Chapter 26

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A/N: Here's next chapter, not that long but enjoy reading! Author's note at the end of chapter n.n 

Jake P.O.V

I woke up feeling very happy. I tightened my grip on Liz. Last night had been the best life of my life.Making love to Liz was the best thing I had ever done in my entire life. I turned around with Liz in my arms. She mumbled in her sleep. I looked at her mark, it was a bit red and it looked sore but it still managed to look sexy on her soft skin. I smiled feeling more love for her. I kissed her nose and stroked her cheek.

My heart throbbed with love as I remembered what she had told me last night. She had finally said I love you to me. I sighed happily. Liz was the love of my life. Yesterday I had felt something I had never felt in my life. It was the best thing in the world! It had been definitely the best birthday ever!

I kissed Liz again wanting her to wake up. She moved in my arms and opened her eyes groggily. "Good morning Sleeping beauty!" I said cheerfully. She smiled and looked up at me "Morning baby" she said kissing my lips. Her kisses we're addicting. Elizabeth was really my drug! Love was circulating in my veins.

I smiled and kissed her more breathing in her beautiful scent. Was it passable to feel so much love for a human being? She moved closer to me and my wolf growled as I felt Lizzie's naked body against mine. Her body was so warm and soft. I felt desire for her already.

"Wanna catch a shower together?" I asked hoping she would say yes. She looked at me excitedly "Yeah, you go first i'll be there in a minute" she said blushing a little. I smiled and kissed her forehead getting tingles on my lip. I got up and went to the bathroom turning around before going in.

Lizzie's eyes we're ranking down my body. I smiled "Like wh-" "YES Jake I like what I see!" Liz interrupted me before I could finish. I laughed, she was so adorable!

"Don't take too long ms. slowpoke!" I said going in the bathroom. I saw myself on the mirror. My lower lip was a bit red from Liz biting me. My hair was sticking up as usual and I looked extremely happy! I smiled and ran a hand through my hair remembering last night.

I turned on the shower and waited for Liz before jumping in. What was taking her so long? Hopefully she hadn't fallen asleep again. I went to the bedroom again expecting to see Liz on the bed half asleep but to my surprise she was in the middle of the room crouched slightly. Her eyes were shut tight. She had put a robe on.

"Babe?" I said going to her. She jumped a mile and smiled quickly standing up straight. "Whats wrong?" I asked getting to her worrying a bit. She smiled at me and shook her head "Nothing babe go to the shower" she said.

I raised an eyebrow "Come with me" I said. She bit her lip but yet smiled "I will" she said not moving from her spot.

I chuckled "wellll come on then" I said grabbing her hand. She still dint move from her spot. "Lizzz! We're wasting water!" I said totally not concerned about the water. I knew what was wrong with her I just wanted her to say it herself.

She nodded and took a step slowly. I walked in front of her turning around waiting for her,she walked slowly to me. "What taking you so long Liz?" I teased smiling. She huffed and walked normally wincing. I chuckled and took more steps to the bathroom. Liz eyed me curiously, she took another normal step and winced again. I chuckled more and went to her. I nuzzled her neck "Is my poor baby sore?" I teased.

Liz huffed and hugged me to her pressing her face in my neck "Easy for you to say!" she mumbled. I laughed "Why dint you tell me?" I said tracing my nose on hers. She blushed "because its embarrassing" she said shutting her eyes. I laughed and picked her up by the waist carrying her to the bathroom.

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