Chapter 2

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‘Khushi get up it’s nearly 11, I’m going to meet Akaash for lunch I’ll be back by 5….Khushi did you hear me?’ ‘Yes’ Khushi shouted covering her face with the duvet.

Akaash Singh Raizada, the love of Payal’s life, she was meeting him after nearly a week, he had been out of town on business. Payal saw him waiting for her at their usual meeting point, she ran up to him crashing into his open arms and hugged him as tight as she could. ‘I missed you so much’ she said ‘me too’ Akaash said gently kissing her forehead.

‘How did Khushi’s exhibition go?’ ‘It went well, I think she may have a good chance at getting this scholarship, I hope she does she totally deserves it. I just wish she would use her time more productively she needs to get a job until she starts again’ ‘Hang on, we have a job opening for a designer, why don’t you tell her to apply’ Akaash said all excited. ‘Really, you think she may have a chance?’ ‘Of course tell her to come by the office tomorrow and I’ll sort it out’ ‘Thank you so much Akaash, you are such a darling, Khushi will be ecstatic’.

‘Khushi don’t be late, Akaash said he will meet you in the lobby at 10 sharp’ ‘Yes, Payal I know how many more times you are going to remind me about it?’ Khushi said in frustration. ‘Ok, I’m going to see you in the evening…good luck, love you’ Payal shouted as she walked out ‘mad woman’ Khushi said smiling at herself. Since she started living with Payal and her family she had formed a bond with them that was unbreakable, Payal was not only her best friend she was her sister, someone who helped her and loved her unconditionally she was someone Khushi would do anything for without thinking twice.

Khushi finally reached her destination, she rushed into the lobby making just in time. She saw Akaash standing by the reception desk already waiting for her. ‘Hi’ she said, ‘Sorry I’m a little late’ Akaash looked down at his watch and said ‘actually you’re exactly on time’ they both started laughing. ‘Thank you so much for this Akaash I really appreciate it, when Payal told me I couldn’t believe it’ ‘Hey its ok, I think you would be a great asset to our design team’.

Khushi followed him to the lift and then through the main office. The office was huge there were work station on both sides, the room was filled with light and smelt so sweet like roses. Khushi walked behind Akaash, slowly becoming aware of people staring at her she hurried her steps to meet Akaash’s. ‘Through here’ He said holding open a door.

‘I don’t doubt for a second that you are perfect for this post, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line and its all yours’ Akaash said placing the contract in front of her. Khushi had reservations as she was an art student and didn’t have much experience in any kind of fashion designing but having seen Khushi’s work Akaash was convinced that she would do just fine. ‘Oh my gosh!!! where’s the pen’ Khushi said smiling from ear to ear. ‘Khushi before you go I want you to meet my elder brother, he is the Directing Manager, as you will be working under him it may be good idea to introduce u two’ ‘Yes, of course’. Khushi got up and started to follow Akaash to the next office, but in her excitment she forgot to even notice the nameplate outside the office, which read Arnav Singh Raizada.

Khushi walked into the office and froze, her face lost its entire colour as if she had seen a ghost but it wasn’t a ghost it was a monster. Arnav immediately stood up clenching his fist as he recalled their last encounter. ‘Bhai this is Khushi, I have just appointed her as our new designer, Khushi this is Arnav Singh Raizada your new boss’ Khushi couldn’t move, not even to acknowledge what he was saying.

Khushi and Arnav eyes were glued to each other neither of them blinking or looking away. ‘Unappoint her’ he said in a cold angered voice. Akaash looked onto his brother a little puzzled ‘Bhai…’ ‘You heard me, she is not working here do you understand’. Arnav broke away from her eyes and looked straight at Akaash, who was still looking slightly confused. ‘Bhai she has already signed the contract, I can’t unappoint her’ Akaash said knowing well that once a contract had been signed, Arnav could not dismiss an employee without good reason, without following company procedure, well not unless he wanted a law suit. Arnav’s body tensed and his eyes narrowed even more. ‘Fine’ Arnav sneered in total displeasure.

As Akaash turned to lead Khushi out of his office ‘One month’ both Akaash and Khushi turned towards Arnav who had now moved away from his desk and stood right in front of them. ‘One month, I’ll give you one month, and i promise, by the end of it, you will resign yourself’ Khushi looked at him in disbelief, who the hell does he think he is. She didn’t need to take this, she tried to voice out what she was thinking to put this monster in his place but words failed her, she couldn’t even manage to open her mouth.

She looked at Akaash who gave her a halfhearted smile not sure what his brother was playing at. Khushi cleared her throat looking back at Arnav ‘I don’t plan to go anywhere Mr Raizada’. She said and walked out of his cabin, determined and he starred at retreating figure angrily,

Was it a challenge, of course it was one that neither of them intended on losing.

Hello, Here is the next chapter of this story, i know there aren't enough readers for this story, but i will keep posting it, because i have read it all and that too countless time, I am in love with this story from the very first time i came across it and I am sure, you will love it too

Do share it with others guyz, i can assure you won't regret giving this story a chance.

Thank You

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