Chapter 4

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‘Khushi wake up’ Payal was frantically trying to wake Khushi up who had fallen asleep on the sofa still in all her days clothes. ‘Khushi its nearly eight you’re going to be late get up’ Khushi let out a moan, her eyes blurry as she tried to open them and feeling disorientated she tried to get up just to trip over her bag and fall to the ground ‘oouuchh’ she screamed. Payal walked in to find Khushi slummed on the floor with her hair all over her face ‘What the hell happened to you, what time did you get home?’ ‘I don’t know around half ten I think’ Khushi said still disorientated.

Khushi just about managed to make it into work before nine, she quickly glanced up to Arnav’s office, the lights were still out ‘good’ she though he wasn’t in as yet. She threw her bag down picked up all the portfolios and rushed up to his office. She lay them onto his desk making sure everything was neat and tidy. As Khushi hurried out the room she opened the door and slammed into what felt like a wall of bricks, she stumbled backwards losing her balance and just then he caught her, in time, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him.

Khushi had her eyes squeezed shut, she looked so cute her little nose all scrunched up almost childlike. Arnav was totally drawn in by her beauty. Khushi slowly opened her eyes to find herself inches away from his face. Frozen they continued to stare into each other’s eyes, Khushi could feel her heart accelerate, Arnav’s hand around her waist sent a tingling sensation through her body. Khushi slowly opened her mouth to speak ‘Sorry’ Arnav quickly moved up letting her out of his grip, his jaw started to tighten, ‘Do you never watch where you are going’ he said in annoyance ‘What are you doing in my cabin’ ‘I came to….ummm the portfolios I have finished the design I just came to put them onto your desk’ Arnav looked over her shoulder to see the files neatly placed on his desk he looked back at her and said ‘fine, you can go’ and walked passed her.

Khushi dumbfounded turned around and started walking towards her work station. Her heart was still beating fast, she could still feel the warmth of Arnav’s hand around her waist, it was firm yet soft, it was in control and felt like she could not have been in safer hands.

It was coming up to eleven thirty Akaash walked towards Khushi with a big grin ‘what’ she asked ‘do you know how fantastic you are?’ Khushi looked at Akaash smiling with no idea what he was talking about ‘ok, if you say so, what have I done that is so fantastic?’ ‘Your designs, the clients loved them we have just secured a million dollar deal with them because of your hard work, well done Khushi’ Khushi’s smile grew she felt uplifted that the company had done so well because of her work. ‘Really Akaash, thank you I’m really happy’ ‘You should be’ Akaash said. As Akaash walked of Khushi saw Arnav walk in behind him, he walked towards Khushi in his ever serious manner, Khushi was still supporting a smile in awe of what Akaash had said, after all it was a big deal for her.

Arnav continued to walk past Khushi without giving her any eye contact and then stopped midway. As he turned his eyes narrowed ‘And what are you smiling at’ Khushi’s face dropped immediately. ‘Akaash told me about your deal with the new clients, I’m really happy for you, congratulations’ Arnav moved towards her ‘Don’t think for one second that any credit goes to you, AR designs and Arnav Singh Raizada’s name is enough to secure any deal’ Arnav turned on his heel and walked off leaving Khushi totally speechless to say the least.

As Arnav returned to his cabin he walked up to the window and looked down on her, Khushi was sitting in her chair with her head down. He saw Aman walk up to her and as she raised her head Arnav eyes began to widen, Khushi immediately got up from her chair and walked off leaving Aman confused as to what had happened. ‘Dammit’ Arnav said hitting his thigh with his fist. Khushi had tears in her eyes Arnav’s head started to spin and he felt as if his chest had been stepped upon, Arnav took a deep breath to control this whirlpool that was beginning inside him, he turned away from the window and started pacing in his office after a few moments he reached for the door and rushed downstairs towards her work station.

Aman and Akaash were standing there ‘where is she?’ Arnav asked ‘Bhai I sent Khushi home she didn’t look so well’ Arnav looked at Akaash in anger ‘you could have informed me before letting her go, do you know how much work I have that needs to be covered?’ ‘Bhai….I just thought...’ Akaash cleared his throat 'Aman and I will look at what needs to be done Khushi can pick it up when she comes in tomorrow’ Akaash said as he was trying to figure out his brother's mood.

Khushi was standing over the stove waiting for her milk come to the boil, what she hadn’t realized that the milk had boiled and over flowed all over. ‘Khushi’ Payal screeched running towards her and switched of the gas, Payal looked up to see Khushi had not moved, she was a million miles away, Payal gently held onto her shoulder and gave her a nudge, ‘Khushi, what’s wrong, are you ok?’ ‘Huh….’ Khushi looked at Payal then down to the milk pan ‘Oh my gosh’ she said raising her hands to her face ‘I’m so sorry Payal…I ..I didn’t realise’ ‘Obviously….move I’ll clean it up you go and sit down’. Khushi smile apologetically and walked across the kitchen to sit at the table.

‘What’s wrong you seem dazed’ Payal asked ‘oh nothing just had a bad day at work…then again how can any day be good with that monster’ Payal looked at Khushi who was looking down deep in thought. ‘Khushiiiiii snap out of it, this is so not you, since when do you let people bring you down?’ Khushi looked up ‘he is not human he is a monster’ and they both started laughing.

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