Chapter 3

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It was Khushi's first day as an employee for AR Designs. Khushi walked in and was greeted by some fellow colleagues, they casually introduced themselves and showed her to her work station. 'Bloody Perfect' she said to herself, her work station was in direct sight of the monsters office. Khushi took a deep sigh trying to calm her nerves and sat down. As the day progressed and with the help of her colleagues Khushi began to understand what she needed to do. She hadn't seen Arnav so was wondering if he was going to come in at all. It was all the better for her if he didn't, she didn't want to have to see his face.

Khushi went up to get herself a glass of water as she returned to her desk she stopped slightly jumping back. Arnav stood in front of her his eyes began to darken instantaneously. He looked straight into her eyes, after a few seconds his expressions started to relax, he hadn't noticed before, her eyes, they were so bright, hazel in colour they were completely drawing him in. 'Mr Raizada' an employ said walking up to Arnav forcing him to break contact with Khushi.

Khushi made a move towards her work station before she had any further encounters. As she walked past, the scent of her perfume started to overpower his senses. His eyes followed her as she walked in the opposite direction, she was wearing knee length boots with a white summer dress, which fitted perfectly over her petite body and a beaded chain. Her long straight hair flowed beautifully with every step she took she looked so simple yet so beautiful. Arnav's eyes started to light up almost sparkle at what he saw, unable to divert his attention he continued to gaze at her, how he could have not noticed that how beautiful this girl was.

Khushi felt his eyes followa her making her feel uncomfortable 'What's with him?' she said to herself. 'Mr Raizada, is it ok to go ahead with this?' the employee was still standing there talking, Arnav had not heard a single word, turning around in annoyance at himself he said yes and walked off.

Walking into his room he threw his jacket over his desk, clenching his fist he hit the top of his chair 'idiot, what's wrong with you, have you never seen a girl before?' he said to himself. Arnav sat down in frustration not really being able to understand what had just happened, he switched on his laptop as he waited for the machine to start up an image of Khushi flashed before him making him jump up 'what the hell' he shouted out.

He pushed back his chair and walked towards the window which overlooked the office. His eyes started to wonder, searching, he paced alongside the window continuing to look until he stopped, he saw her standing by the photocopier talking to Aman. Aman was Arnav's PA and most trusted employee. Khushi was laughing at what Aman was saying, she was waving her hands around as she was talking back. Arnav started to get angry, but why? He walked out of his room and walked up to them 'I don't pay my employees for standing around talking, don't you have work to do' he almost shouted,

Khushi's face dropped immediately and looked at him trying to understand his little outburst. 'I was just showing Khushi how to work the copier' Aman said 'If you mastered the art of copying you can get back to work' Arnav's said, his voice got louder with every word. Khushi looked at Aman and smiled as to say thank you, she looked down and walked past Arnav towards her work station.

'Monster' Khushi growled under her breath. She sat down with a thump and slammed open one of the files. As she turned the page she felt a shadow in front of her she looked up to see Arnav gazing down at her 'You, in my room in ten minutes' and then walked off leaving a gulp of air stuck in Khushi's throat.

Khushi picked up a pen and note pad and walked up to the monsters office she got outside the door and looked up 'God please give me strength' she whispered to herself, she brushed back her hair with her fingers and tapped on the door she was about to enter the monsters den all alone.

Khushi walked in slowly Arnav had his back to her she stood in front of his desk waiting for him to turn around 'Sit' he said in his usual cold voice. Khushi sat down and looked up at him, he slowly turned around and met her eyes, where his eyes were cold and hard hitting hers were soft and nervous looking. He picked up a file and pushed it in front of her 'I want you to work on this project, I want these designs completed for our clients you have until tomorrow morning' Khushi lowered her eyes to look at the file and slowly put her hand out to reach it. She opened the file as she looked through it her eyes began to widen 'But....I mean seven portfolios by tomorrow?' she said thinking how is that even possible '9.00am sharp, I want these on my desk for final approval' Khushi looked up at him and started to rise looking a little pale.

How could she complete seven portfolios by nine it was already half 3 'Is there a problem Khushi, are you incapable of doing this?' he looked straight at her with his monster eyes and a slight smirk ' I mean if you can't do this this then maybe we should re-think your position here' Khushi looked at him 'No, its fine you will have these by tomorrow morning' she said with full confidence she wasn't going to let him intimidate her or make her feel incompetent in any way.

She picked up the file from his desk and turned to walk out without saying another word. 'I know what game he is playing at, I am not going to let him win, Arnav Singh Raizada you have no idea what I am capable of doing, I'll show you.. you.. you monster' Khushi said to herself in anger and frustration walking back down.

Khushi's phone rang, it was Payal 'Hi how is your first day going' she asked with great enthusiasm 'don't ask' Khushi hissed back and started to explain what had just happened. 'Ok Khushi calm down stressing about it isn't going to make it happen faster, just do what you have to and prove him wrong' 'I will don't you worry, after all I am Khushi Kumari Gupta' Payal started to giggle 'That's my girl'. 'Payal, looks like I am going to be late home' Khushi sighed 'my first day at work and I am having to stay back late, I can't believe this' 'it's ok Khushi I'll see you when you get home'

One by one all the workers started to pack up and leave to go home. It was nearly six o clock and Khushi had only managed to get through three portfolios. By seven all the lights were out apart from hers, she hadn't realized that she was the only one left in the office. She looked up raising her hands to stretch and saw his light on she immediately threw her hands down oh crap, he is still here she thought and looked through what she had done and smiled 'Yes' she said. Khushi had just completed the sixth portfolio. Khushi was becoming increasingly tired but knew she couldn't stop if she wanted to get these finished on time. 'I'm so hungry' she mumbled to herself rubbing her growling stomach. In full concentration Khushi started on the last piece of work.

All of a sudden she heard a bang which made her jump and let out a small scream as she looked up she saw Arnav coming down. In the darkness there was only one light that shone upon him, he looked so lean, so toned in his suit she hadn't really paid much attention to him before she started to admire his symmetrical face his perfect jaw line his hair that didn't have a single strand out of place. Khushi continued to stare at this monster that actually looked quite human and before she knew it he was standing in front of her 'what?' he said raising his eyebrow, slightly embarrassed Khushi stood up and started to stumble over her words 'um...nothing err I was....' Arnav looked on in amusement as Khushi tried to speak 'Is it really that hard to put a sentence together' Khushi looked up at him and started to go red she gave a nervous smile and said 'No I was just finishing off my work' 'Good, don't forget 9 am sharp' he shouted as he walked off. 'uggh what an idiot Khushi, what the hell happened to you?' she said to herself as she sat back down again.

So done with 3rd chapter, dear readers, please do vote and share your views

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