♥ ch. 13 ♥

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People need love or else they will plummet. Self love, intimate love, friendship love, any of them, they need it. Lucy felt intimate love, but she was still confused. Loke came in and out of her life at random times, then Natsu came and became her knight in shining armor. She worried how long this act will continue on for.

it's confusing when you can't

determine if the signs are for you

to give up or just to see

how long you could hold on.

Lucy and Natsu were sitting at a window seat, like usual, in Strauss Coffee. They'd normally hang out at Mag Café or The Antique, Lucy felt awkward hanging with others in the coffee shop where she worked. Lucy had a chai tea, what's new, and Natsu had a black coffee.

Outside of the window seat, there were multiple flowers on the outdoor sill. Mirajane had planted them just for Lucy. Peonies and camellias were in a box, they were pink and white, some of Lucy's favorite colors.

"Do you have a shift today?" Natsu asked, sipping on his black coffee. They basically looked like a couple, everyone around them had that impression except for him and her.

"My co-worker, Kinana, offered to take my shift." She said, placing her elbows on the wooden table and laying her chin in her palms.

"That's good," Natsu said with a big smile on his face. He was happy to know that he had her all to herself. He took another sip of his black coffee. Lucy's face scrunched up. Even though she worked at a coffee shop, she highly disliked coffee.

"How do you drink straight black coffee?" She asked, sipping her chai tea. Natsu raised an eyebrow at her and placed his mug back on the table.

"Well, how do you drink straight chai tea?" He stated, mocking her question. Lucy shrugged and finished her cup and set it off to the side.

"Chai tea is good."

"Black coffee is good."

Lucy gave up and chuckled to herself. That damn laugh. Natsu thought. Everything about her, her personality, beauty, intelligence, everything, he was in love with it all. Every single flaw she had, it didn't matter to him. He paid more attention to her strengths.

She then remembered about the white haired girl. Gray had told her a little bit about who she is, basically her name and a slight synopsis. "Hey, Natsu. Who's Lisanna?" She asked, tapping her mug to occupy her hands.

Natsu shrugged and looked off to the side. It was a sensitive topic for him, bad breakups are awful for everyone. Lucy leaned over the table and poked him in the face to make him come back to his senses. 

"Fine, I'll tell you. Lisanna was my ex-girlfriend, duh. I started dating her back in high school because I thought she was cute, to be honest. I knew nothing about her. I was popular back then, so she only started dating me because she wanted to have my popularity." His voice was quiet and calm, he didn't want to say too much, but he wanted to tell her everything.

"Yikes," Lucy stated, leaning back into the cushioned chair she was sitting on. Natsu rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Thanks for the support," he said sarcastically. Lucy shrugged and raised her eyebrows.

"I don't know what else to say." She said as a barista came over and took their cups. Lucy and Natsu ordered another chai tea and black coffee.

"We broke up a few weeks ago," he said as he took a sip of his new black coffee. 

"How did you move on that quickly?" Lucy was intrigued because it took her years to finally get over Loke. Natsu blushed and smiled.

"I met you," he said as Lucy blushed and covered her face with her cup. "That's Lisanna's sister." Natsu pointed toward Mirajane who was creating a latte. Lucy was shocked, but she could see the resemblance. Same white hair, blue eyes, but not personality wise.

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