Chapter 2

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Minor trigger warning.

Straight after school I went to the woods. I walked over to the rivier ahead of me, and sat down amoung the edge. I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent if nature around me. If only life was as calm as this.

I'm not sure, but I sat here long enough thinking. The sun was fading from the sky, so I headed home. The second place I don't want to be right now.

Walking in, no one even cares. Not a word passes by me. I went upstairs, to my bed room and took out my blue notebook. Flipping all the way to the back, I ripped out the marked page. It was my suicide note and the plan was on the back. I erased the plan with my mechanical pencil and put the note in an empty drawer.

"MICHEAL! THERE YOU ARE! I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!" I heard my mom call out. Of course, he'll get the attention, not that I care anyways.

"Yeah, have you seen Vic anywhere? We need to talk" I heard him say. I mentally sighed, preparing myself for what's going to come.

"He's in his room" my mom said.

Surprising she knows I still exist up here.

I heard Mike's footsteps, onto the stairs.

He comes in my room and slams the door, and I flinch.

"What the hell?!" he screamed at me.

"What?" I asked,

"Vic, you embarrass me so much! I can't take it! Like really? They posted on Facebook what they do to you. Like really? You're that weak? You're fucking pathetic man," he said.

I hid my face so he won't notice the tears slipping from my eyes.

He continued, "Why do I have a weak brother? huh? why? You can't do anything yourself, so just quit it." he yelled. Quit it.

Quit it, that's what I'll do. End it. No more waiting. To be honest, what was I waiting for? Nothing. Exactly. You're pathetic Vic, you stupid, weak, fat disgusting, and worst of all, you're a fuck-up failure in life. Quit it. I'll quit it.
"Are you even listening to me? FOR GOD SAKES YOU'RE CRYING. GUYS DON'T CRY! You know what. I don't know you anymore. Act like a fool, I don't care. Just don't ever talk or come near me" he spat and left.

He act like I talk to him anyways.
I kept crying for hours.

Those words, 'quit it', replayed in my mind.

No one wants me here, no one. I don't even want myself here.

Enough said, I took the paper out of the drawer and laid it on the bed. If you're wondering, the note says:

Dear Mom, Dad and Mike,
I'm sorry I was the worst son/brother ever, I really tried my hardest not to be though. You guys been giving me a rough time and right now, I can't handle the pressure anymore. I hope you're happy that I'm leaving so you won't see my disgusting face ever again. And Mike, I'm sorry, for everything really. I know you won't care or miss me... but, yeah.

I was think of hanging myself but, no. That's too easy, well, at least for me it is.

I went downstairs, thinking of what I should do. I grabbed a glass of water, chugging it down with tears down my face.

That's it. I have nobody else. I ran myself over to the woods. Peaceful isn't it? Ah, yes. A good place to commit suicide, don'tcha' think?

Yes. Yes it is...

I walked over to a cliff where you can see below it.

It was far down deep, and I'm pretty sure no one will find me here. I took a step foward and closed my eyes.

This is it.

I'm ending it, quitting, done. I took another step, and I was at the edge, one more step then I'm gone for good.

I took my last breath. Inhaling and exhaling, then I took a step forward.


(A/N: Ok sorry if it's foward, but I've for things planned, So don't worry B)| Also, sorry about back to back update, I'll update every 3 days starting from today. Tell people about my story! Vote and Comment what you think!!)



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