Chapter Five: Kyle

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Central Park was definitely not the best place for us to sleep in. For one, there was nothing for us to sleep on besides the grass, mostly because when we left we didn't think about blankets. Secondly, the wildlife there seemed a little dangerous and rabid. Last, but not least, there were too many people surrounding the area. It didn't seem like a place where we could be alone and safe in the middle of the night.

We did however, enjoy the big bag of M&Ms on a park bench after coming up with nothing on our search. It was maybe around seven or eight o'clock. The sun was still shining, just not as brightly as it had in the afternoon.

"I think the last time I've had these things was about two years ago when Andy went trick or treating in some random neighborhood and brought back a bunch of fun sized packs of candy." Layla remembers happily munching on a handful of the chocolate candies. "There were so many candy wrappers left after that."

"Yeah. There were weren't they. I think to this day I still occasionally come across a wrapper or two." That statement earns a laugh from her which makes me smile. She was just so beautiful, and I don't even know if she realizes that.

Looking over to my left I notice a small flower cart not too far away. I immediately remember the promise I made about her present. This is definitely a good place to start. Layla's back is conveniently facing the cart, making it a little less obvious as to where I was going. I look back at her trying not to give away what I was going to do and say, "I need you to do something for me."

"Um, okay sure. What is it?"

"Close your eyes and promise me that you won't open them till I tell you to."

"What are you going to do?"

"Well I'm not going to tell you. That would ruin the surprise. Now come on, close your eyes."

She closes her eyes slowly. "I don't know whether or not to be scared or relaxed."

"Relaxed. Okay, now I'll be right back, but please promise me that you won't peek."

"Eh." She opens one of her eyes.

"Please?" I ask again softly. I think she heard the pleading behind my voice and she sighs,

"Oh alright." I smile and walk over to the flower cart. A old man with a gray beard and round spectacles sits behind the cart. He looks up from the book on his lap and smiles.

"Well hello there son. How can I help you today?" I let my eyes wander over the roses and he smiles. "Roses, I see. So who's the special someone?"

"She's over there." I point over to Layla who is still sitting on the bench with her eyes closed.

"Oh," He squints a little when he looks over to her then his eyes widen, "You're one lucky man."

"Trust me, I know. So it was her birthday yesterday and I needed to get her something she would remember. I figured this would be one place to start."

"I see. Now, if you don't mind me asking, is she your-,"

"Friend." I interrupt, "We're friends, but I would love to be more than just friends. You have any roses for that?"

"Well, my friend. Each rose has a different meaning to it. Red, obviously, symbolizes love and affection." He gestures to the roses and gives me a look, asking if I wanted those.

I love her probably more than I realize, but I want something a little less, common. Plus, I know she wouldn't like it that much. It's stereotypical and average and I want to get one that would say what I want it to say, but not to scare her away. I shake my head at the man and ask, "Is there anything that is a little more subtle?"

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