Chapter Seven

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*Kyle's POV*

I strongly believed in what that wise flower guy told me. If you love someone, you should show them each and every day as much as you could. I love Layla, so I don't know why I shouldn't show her.

That's why I kissed her.

It didn't go as I had planned because it was supposed to happen on top of the Empire State Building, but I didn't care about that anymore.

I kissed her.

I finally kissed her.

And considering that she kissed me back, I guess she liked it too.

We stand up just as the fireworks show ends and the spectators release a thunderous round of applause. Too bad I was barely paying attention to it, I bet it was pretty cool. She cheers along with the crowd and I can't help myself, I slide my arm around her waist and pull her into another kiss. Her arms rest on my shoulders and she starts running her fingers through my hair. Our lips move in perfect sync, as if they knew each other forever. When we finally broke apart I could tell she was blushing. I grab her hand as we start walking down the path away from our little tree.

"I'm kind of hungry." I say randomly and she raises her eyebrow at me then says,

"Yeah, all this freedom really makes me crave some food."

"Do you think any of those street vendors are still there?"

"I doubt it, but you can try." She says and we spend the next few minutes walking towards the large crowds leaving the Brooklyn Bridge. There had to be somewhere that we could get food.

We round the corner and there, at the very end of the street was a hotdog vendor closing up his stand. It's as if a light was shining down on the stand from the heavens. My stomach growls in delight.

"Stay right here." I say and take off running towards the stand shouting, "Wait, wait!" I don't think I've ever had to beg for a hotdog, but there's always a first for everything.

The vendor gives me a slightly startled expression as I bound towards him. "Sorry kid, I'm all sold out."

"Not one left?"

"Nope. This Fourth of July was crazy. I just sold the last hotdogs to that couple over there." He points over to a couple in their late twenties happily munching on hotdogs on a bench. I let out a defeated sigh and turn to walk back over to Layla.

"Have a good night."

"You too kid."

Before I even got to the corner, I knew something was wrong.

She wasn't standing there waiting for me. She was gone. Panic rises in my throat a little as I call out her name desperately. "Layla?" Where could she have gone? I was away for only a minute.

I turn the corner and walk back down it slowly, trying not freak out. Maybe she just went looking for somewhere to sit.

Not to far ahead of me, I notice a man limping out of an alleyway clutching his pride. Curses were flying out of his mouth as he starts running, checking behind him to make sure no one was following him.

This made me walk faster.

My heart was pounding and my hands became sweaty.

Where was she?

I turn the corner into the narrow alleyway and she was sitting on the ground, head resting on her knees, sobbing.

*Layla's POV*

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