Chapter Three: Kyle

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"So how do you expect us to get out of here?" Layla asks as we stare out the window of the three story building.

"We have to jump. Or at least try to climb down."

"I choose the second option." Layla says and swings her full backpack over her shoulders. "We don't have any money, or food." She remembers suddenly.

I smile and pull out a wad of cash from my pocket. "I've been prepared. Stole this from Miss Richards a few days ago."

"And let me guess there's food in there too?"

"Enough to get us through a day or two."

"So did you just happen to know that I would be running away with you?"

"I don't know, but I was kind of hoping you would." I open the push out window slowly savoring the early morning air. It is about three in the morning, but you can still see the city lights across the Harlem River.

The only thing I like about this room was the amazing view of New York City. You could practically hear the cranky taxi drivers from here.

"After you." I say realizing that Miss Richards would be back at any second to murder me.

Layla peers over the edge of the windowsill and looks down. "There's a dumpster conveniently placed below the window, full of garbage. I think it's wide enough for both of us to land safely in it. Shall we aim for it?"

"I don't see why not." I say and position myself on the windowsill beside her. "Together?"

"Why of course." She laces her fingers into my outstretched hand and smiles at me.

I'd never get tired of that smile.

Her eyes linger over my arm, looking at the mark the bottle left.

"It's just a scratch," I reassure her, "I'm fine. I promise." I try to bring our attention back to our escape plan. "Ok. On the count of three. On-," The countdown was cut short by the sound of Miss Richards probably returning with some type of weapon to finish me off with. Her loud footsteps clanked up the stairs, each bang sounding like a countdown to the beating she was about to give me. I look back to Layla whose eyes were wide with fear. "Three."

I practically drag her off the windowsill, but as long as we land in the trash before Miss Richards can storm into the room, then I didn't care. Layla's hand tightens around mine as we fall from the window. The weightless feeling came and left as soon as I look down. I was scared that I was going to land and somehow end up crushing her, so I do my best to make sure that I land first. I create as much space between us as I can, but immediately regret my choice.

My feet seem to bend as I land on top of the bags. I felt the pain instantly, slamming my arm on the side of the garbage can. Biting my lip, I try to suppress the pain as much as I can, but if I bite any harder, I will draw blood. It would only be a bruise on my arm after all, and I got enough of those to last a life time.

The smell hits me like a ton of bricks, mainly due to the rotting food. I hear Layla land beside me and immediately let out a groan. My head shoots up and I try to find her in all the trash, the grip on her hand had vanished when I landed.

Suddenly, her head shoots out of the trash. She gives me a look of disgust and groans again.

"Are you okay?" I ask nervously, hoping she wasn't hurt.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just I got a banana peel stuck in my pant leg." She squirms around uncomfortably, "It feels gross."

"But you're okay?"

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