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"alright, let's get senior year started," my twin sister, angel, said.

"first day of the last year of high school. i can't believe it's gone by so fast" i giggle.

"i know, it feels weird." she laughs along.

"like it feels like last week we were walking into high school as scared little freshman. now that i'm thinking about it, we've changed so much" she stands from her bed and walks over to me.

"yeah" i say more slow. she's right. it's gone by fast. too fast.

"what's wrong?" she noticed my change in tone.

"i'm scared for the future, you know? i'm not sure what i wanna do with my life, and time is running out, extremely fast." i start getting a little more worried.

"layla, i get it. i think about that every now and then. but hey, you are so intelligent and strong. i know the future holds great things for you" she shines a sweet smile.

"awh, thanks angel. i love you" i give her a quick hug and continue to gather my things into my bag, as we're getting ready to drive to the school.

angel and i have been best friends since the womb.

and you're probably thinking that we're gonna be complete opposites, but still look alike, right?

we're actually pretty similar.

the both on us are really into music, dancing, songwriting, etc.

we're also huge on fashion, it's a must. the only thing we disagree on is our taste in guys.

angel likes the guys who are into photography or something. the ones who look cute in glasses and never wear shorts. they always carry around a backpack that holds journals. maybe they play the piano.

but my kind of guy? oh, haha. you know, the classic bad boy who puts gel in his hair. they wear ripped jeans and put sleek black jackets over their sweatshirt, which is really hot in my opinion, i don't know why though. every now and then they'll play the guitar. maybe they ride a motorcycle.

yeah, i like those guys.

which, i may add, is exactly how ethan is.

when people hear that, they usually groan and go "nooo, not them" or "you're so stereotypical." they also say "your taste in boys is so superficial," things along those lines.

and obviously i know it's true.

but hey, i'm a teenage girl who wants to live a fun teenage life. i need a little edge.

edgy is fun.

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