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"remember when we would go on late night drives every night? we would just drive and drive, not caring if we got lost. the windows rolled down, singing our hearts out." ethan chuckled.

"yea.. i do remember" a smile actually crept upon my lips.

"i love how we would just.. always talk. you know? about everything we could ever think of. didn't have to have much meaning. but as long as it came out of your mouth, it was important to me. and it still is" he looked over at me.

i looked back at him. completely forgetting we were driving.

a truck with bright lights was headed towards us.

luckily it got our attention.

"oh, right. eyes on the road" he reminded himself. we both started laughing.

"close call" i slightly chuckled.

silence remained for a few minutes. my mind raced.

just do it now. it's okay. he will be okay. you will be okay. it's okay.

"ethan.. i think we should see other people."

right then and there, i saw lights come racing closer and an enormous pressure on my side. then there was nothing.

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