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I ran out of the café with my jacket over my head.

The rain shower probably wasn't going to stop for the next half hour, so I had no choice but to leave already.

I rushed over to the busy main street and kept my eye out for the familiar glowing taxi signs passing through. Soon finding one, I raised my hand up high so the driver could see and pull over.

It must have been my lucky day, as he did notice me and stopped right up front.

I thanked the lords above as I removed my drenched jacket and sat myself inside. Goodbye soaking street, hello dry leather seats.

However, as I made myself comfortable, I noticed that I wasn't the only one in the taxi. From the other side of the car, another man had taken a seat right next to me and closed the door on his side.

We looked at each other awkwardly as I tried to recall whether the taxi had pulled over for me or for him.
It had definitely been because of me.

"Uh, I think this is my taxi", I uttered.

The man stared at me in confusion as little driplets of rain fell from the loose strands of hair on his forehead. I could tell he had an expensive jacket on, yet hadn't come across the idea to put up his hood in this rain.

His bowl-cut hair was dyed a darker brown, his skin seeming awfully flawless for a normal human being. The redness of his cheeks indicated that he was cold, making me wonder why he had rolled his sleeves so far up.
The way his dark eyes stared into mine made me feel slightly uncomfortable. Yet I had to admit that he did have a handsome face.

I didn't know why I was able to pick that up in those few seconds of meeting him, but that was everything I could recall before he spoke.

"Sorry, but I was the one that waved this taxi over."
As his head moved, the wet bangs over his forehead parted and revealed more of his face.

I arguably opened my mouth to protest, but he was quicker.

"If you would be so kind to get out, I have somewhere to be."


"Excuse me, but I waved this taxi over and I happen to be in a hurry too", I countered.
That wasn't a lie, as my cousin had to be picked up from the airport.

I saw his tongue brush over his inner cheek in annoyance.
"Bitch, get outta my taxi."

My mouth fell open at the sudden harshness. I hadn't thought of him to be this type of person.
"I was here first, asshole!", I sneered back, clearly losing my temper.

There was no freaking way I was letting some dude steal my taxi. No matter how good looking he was.

Snatching wigs was one thing.

But snatching a taxi was another.

The taxi driver shifted in his seat, not wanting to intrude the situation. He had probably seen both of us wave for a taxi and just randomly decided to pull over. He hadn't been prepared for this happening.

"Listen, I have a busy schedule, okay? And by the looks of you, you seem like you don't", he snapped.

"Are you judging me just because of the way I look? Well sorry rich guy, why don't you get your private jet to pick you up instead?"

He leaned against his and the taxi driver's seat with his elbows and was thinking of a counter.

"I don't have time for this", he then muttered and started taking out his money.
My eyes grew wide at the amount he had in his wallet. He really was filthy rich. Actually the type of sugar daddy rich, only that he was too young to be a sugar daddy.

And here I expected he was going to at least give me money to get a train ticket or some shit to compensate for taking my taxi, but hell no. The asshole decided to bribe the taxi driver and let my ass soak in the rain.

"Take me to the BigHit Entertainment company building quickly", he said and passed the unbelievable sum of money to the taxi driver in the front.
"Just me."

The driver accepted the money with a smirk and eyed me through the mirror as if to say "get out".

"That's not fair", I argued helplessly.

I would never have the cash to bribe a taxi driver, but judging by the money in his wallet, he even had enough to buy the whole vehicle iself.

"Get out", the rich guy smirked and did a hand-gesture that roughly translated into "shoo". As if I was some annoying insect he wanted to get rid of.

I looked at the driver with pleading eyes. His eyes  in the mirror told me to get out as well.

"Shouldn't you be taking your job a bit more seriously?", I asked the driver prudely. "Not very professional of you."

"Sorry hon, a man needs to pay his rent", the driver coughed.
"Now get out."

"Well up yours too then", I muttered in a somewhat overdramatic voice. "Good day to you, sir."

With a frown and one last look to the ass that had stolen my taxi from me, I violently threw the door open and went out into the rain.

"I hope you rot in hell, you fucker", I yelled into the taxi.

"I will, because I have a taxi that will take me there, sweetheart", the guy smirked, making me slam the car door in frustration.

The taxi drove away. My taxi drove away...with some arrogant douchebag enjoying the dry leather seats that were supposed to be mine. I felt betrayed and disappointed by the community. What was a gentleman even nowadays?

"This is my taxi", I mimicked his annoying-ass voice and realized I was completely drenched with rainwater now. Who throws a girl out in the rain anyways??

That was when the realization hit me.

I had left my jacket in the taxi. And my wallet, as well as my phone were in there.

"FUCK", I groaned in despair, so that a few people turned to look at me.

I was a sore loser and a person who had just lost more than her posessions... I had lost my pride as well.


A/N: [25.12.2020] I started editing the chapters to correct some mistakes and polish the writing a bit cause I wanted to continue updating! I also decided to give our main character a name this time (yay no lame Y/N anymore) but I still have to think about what I should replace it with... I'll have to see. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas this year:)


Coincidence - [j.jk] on pauseWhere stories live. Discover now