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Jungkook wordlessly left the café and pulled up his hood as far as possible.

Well that went... worse than expected.

He was pissed and that wasn't even it yet.

He felt so utterly downgraded and dishonored that he couldn't even find proper counters against her. He hadn't been prepared for a duel of dissing or the girl's whole crew coming up to accuse him.

"Bitch, if I would have brought my crew to diss you, you and your friends would have been done for", he assured himself.

"Jungkookie wait up!", Jimin called and ran to catch up with the younger.

"Don't call my name so loudly!", Jungkook hissed and took a look around to make sure no fans had recognized them.

"I had no idea it was this bad", Jimin chuckled and held onto his stomach. "Ohh it was soo bad."

The other boy didn't reply and furiously stretched his hand out for a taxi to stop. It just passed by as if it was literally ignoring him.
Just his luck.

"Karma is a bitch", Jimin mumbled in amusement.

"Shut up and call the manager to pick us up", Jungkook sighed and leaned against the nearby street lamp.

"Alright, alright."


"Annyeong hoes, we're back from the war", Jimin called out upon entering the rehearsal room.

"What took you so long?", Namjoon questioned.

Jungkook let Jimin do the talking as he was too occupied calming the fuck down.

"Ugh. How could someone be so annoying as that girl? How come she could snap at me just like that? Why does she make me so pissed every damn time?"

He settled down and had some water to calm himself.

"Jungkookie got a bit carried away", Jimin laughed.
"You guys should have been there."

"Did he at least apologize to the poor girl?", Jin asked.

"Pff, nope", Jimin replied.

"There was no reason to apologize because it was my taxi in the first place", Jungkook sassed and took a sip of water.

"Ooh watch out for the burn", Hoseok exclaimed.
"You gave her the things back, though?"

"Yeah... Now I don't have to see her annoying face ever again."

"Oh come on, she was pretty cute", Jimin argued, making the others curious.

"Was she?", Taehyung questioned in amusement.
The others were starting to get weird smirks on their faces which meant nothing good.

"I didn't really look at her face", the youngest scoffed.
"I was more occupied with the fact that SHE STARTED OFFENDING ME."

Namjoon and Jin exchanged meaningful smiles. This was going to be a new topic for teasing their maknae.

"Ooh Jungkookie, it seems like this will turn out to be a real love-hate relationship", Yoongi commented for the first time.
"I support it."
He nodded approvingly.

Coincidence - [j.jk] on pauseWhere stories live. Discover now