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I stepped out of the back room, wondering who had the audacity to interrupt my lunch break.

It would have been an understatement to say that I went from being in a good mood to pissed in the matter of seconds when I saw his face.

As I gazed at the familiar pair of arrogant eyes, all I could do was scoff.
"You?", I sneered.

He gulped.

Well bitch, you should be scared. What the hell was he even doing here, on my turf?

The boy next to him seemed to have sensed the awkward atmostphere between Jungkook and I. I supposed he was one of his bandmates, as they both had their face masks on.

"What do you want?", I hissed, crossing my arms.

I could tell he was pursing his lips underneath that mask.

"You left this in the taxi", he stated coldly and held out the paper bag.

"Oh", I popped, surprised that he had actually taken my jacket with him. I would have thanked him, but hey... He had thrown me out of a damn taxi because of the "gentleman" he was. Look at me being all kind to him now.

I took the bag from him abruptly without looking at his face and checked if everything was in there. But I couldn't hold myself from whispering: "You mean I left that in my taxi."

I could tell he was trying to hold back from replying, but his huge ego got the best of him.
"I don't recall you taking that taxi though."

"Well I do. I was in there first."

"I waved it over first", he snickered underneath his breath, close to a whisper.

"No. I waved it over and you decided to hop in because it was convenient for you", I argued, getting a little loud.

He took off his face mask. Damn, it must have been serious if he was willing to show off his bare baby face like that.

"Bitch, the taxi driver was looking at me while pulling over", he sneered.

"Probably because he was too busy searching for your upper lip", I snickered.

His cheeks turned red in embarrassment while his bandmate made an "ouch" gesture, to signify how good my burn had been. Props to me.
"As far as I remember, you closed the car door after I did", he tried to argue.

"It doesn't matter who closed the door first! My ass was on those leather seats before yours!", I shrieked.

"Woah woah", Jimin calmed and pulled Jungkook back who was getting awfully close to me.
Some customers had already started to look over in annoyance.

"Y'all are scaring off my customers", Taemin threw in.
"What's all the commotion about?"

"He's the guy who stole my taxi", I threw in.

Taemin's lips formed an "o" as he eyed Jungkook up and down. I wondered if he was up to date with all the K-Pop idols nowadays. Then he probably would have recognized him.

"You're the one that threw her out of the taxi?", Taemin scoffed. He probably hadn't expected him to be this young.

"It was my taxi!", Jungkook whined in aggrevation.

Just then, Sowon rushed in from the back room, as drama-thirsty as she was.
"Who's shouting? What did I miss? Did someone get punched?"

Her eyes became all glittery when she saw the two BTS members in the café.
But I gave her a death glare saying "This guy stole my taxi, don't be nice to them!"

She fixed her expression and straightened her skirt while stepping forward.
"Oh, you're the taxi-stealer", she said in a noticeably, badly acted, surprised way.

Jungkook was just about done with our shit. The boy was shook.

Jimin gripped his arm.
"Jungkookie, we should leave."

Jimin's eyes stayed fixated on Sowon for a moment, who was trying not to pass out just from the stare the idol was giving her.

I stepped up."Maybe you should leave. And I hope you stop taking things that aren't yours", I said, referring to my taxi and posessions in the bag.

Jungkook's jaw clenched and he did that tongue movement on his inside cheek again, which he probably did when he was pissed.

"You could at least be thankful that I took the jacket with me and was kind enough to bring it back", Jungkook countered, making Jimin snort.
If anything, that was a lie.

I blinked several times. Him and kind?
"Yeah well thanks. And thanks for stealing my taxi and making me late, you jerk."

"Well I was late too, you know?", he sneered.

"Okay I think we've had enough", Jimin chimed and gripped Jungkook's wrist with a fake smile.
"We're sorry for the inconvenience."

"We're sure you are", Sowon savagely replied and planted herself behind me to prevent a fight.

I appreciated Sowon's effort, but I could tell she was way too happy about the BTS guys showing up here.

The two guys awkwardly placed their face masks back on and stepped backwards to the exit of the café.

I kept eye contact with Jungkook, as if we were testing who could hold out longer without blinking. The heat between our eyes lingered until he stepped outside.

"Gosh I hate that guy", I sniffled as soon as they had left.
"Thanks for standing up for me, guys."

"For you, always", Sowon chirped.

"Yeah", Taemin added and flashed a smile before he got back to his boss side.
"Now get back to work."

"Yes sir", Sowon and I replied.

Sowon seemed to have been having a mental breakdown as she fanned her face.
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh I just saw them in person. Jimin is soo hot. And that smile!!", Sowon fangirled.

"Who's Jimin?", I questioned carelessly while picking up my bag and making my way to the back room.

"The guy with your taxi-stealer just now", she fangirled and leaned on the counter. Her cheeks were still red.
"He's my bias, just so you know."

"Aha", I replied, looking over to Taemin at the sink, in the hope to share how awkward I was feeling. But he had been watching Sowon talk, and looked away quickly once he noticed me glancing at him.

Hoe, don't think I didn't see that.

I placed the paper bag to the back room and took out my things to check if everything was there. It had a slightly manly smell. I couldn't deny it was nice. But then I recalled it was probably his smell and shuddered.

"Ugh", I groaned and threw the jacket back to the bag. "Disguisting."
I had to wash it. Maye that asshole pissed on it to get back at me.

I certainly hoped we'd never see each other again.

But how wrong I was.


Coincidence - [j.jk] on pauseWhere stories live. Discover now