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"I can't believe I'm doing this", Jungkook sighed.

Jimin clapped his shoulder reassuringly when the maknae took a step closer to the door. The lost jacket was in a paper bag he was carrying, as well as the phone and wallet.

The two had almost gotten recognized on their way, but no weird situations had come up. All Jungkook wanted was to hurry up and not attract unnecessary attention. Jimin and Jungkook were both packed with layers of clothing, face masks and sunglasses.

The youngest rang the bell impatiently, knowing the girl would probably be rude to him. But he thought that he was right and it had been his taxi. So he wouldn't start a fight with her. Not this time. It was time to be civil.

"Arguing with her again is beneath me", he told himself.

"Try it again", Jimin suggested as no one was opening.

"It's working hours now, hyung. What are we even expecting to find?", the boy sighed. "Or she might be a student, who knows."

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned, expecting Jimin to be there.
But he was surprised to see an old lady standing next to them. Jungkook pulled down his face-mask.

"Are you looking for the girl that lives here?", she asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes ma'am", Jungkook replied.

"She isn't home now. She usually comes back at around 6pm."

He rolled his eyes. They had dancing rehearsals at that time and had to be back in an hour. Jimin and him exchanged confused looks on what they should do now.

"Do you know where she works?", Jimin popped.

Jungkook gave him a glare. The last thing he wanted to do was follow her around just to give her the damn things back.

"I know everything about everyone in this house, dears", the lady giggled, sending shivers down both their backs.
She was one of those stalker-grandmas that peeked out of the window every time someone came and went.

"The young lady works at the coffee shop a street away", the granny told.

"Thank you", Jimin politely smiled and Jungkook copied the gesture.

"Can't we just leave it in front of her doorstep?", the maknae whispered so the grandma wouldn't hear.

"Jungkookie! You steal the girl's taxi and now you want to back off like that?"

"It was my taxi!", the coconut-head countered.

The lady cleared her throat.
"Would you boys like to come in for some tea or coffee?"

Jungkook gave Jimin a panicked expression. Jin had always taught them not to go with strangers.

"No thank you, we'll just be on our way", Jimin exclaimed and was ready to leave until he felt a firm slap on his buttcheek.

"Ah youth", the lady laughed and admired Jimin's behind.
"Such a beautiful thing to be in shape. Such nice thighs... You boys sure are lucky hihihi."

Oh hell no. Jungkook was seriously freaked out and wanted to go home.
"Hyung we have somewhere to be!"

"Yes, it was nice meeting you!", Jimin rushed and freed himself from the granny.

"You boys can stop by anytime you like!", she shouted after them.

"Mhm", Jungkook sarcastically replied and ended up running behind Jimin.

"Dude", he gasped. The younger saw his pupils widen out of fear.
"She slapped my butt."

"I'm sure she wanted to rape you", Jungkook joked.

"Don't laugh!", Jimin countered.
"I was seriously afraid."

"What do we do about that girl's jacket?", he questioned.
"Will we really go to that café?"

"We still have half an hour. I'd say we go for it."

Jungkook sighed.
"Why couldn't we just have left it at her door or given it to that grandma? Why go through all that trouble?"

"What if we get recognized?", the younger asked as they crossed the street. They were already halfway there so Jimin didn't bother to answer.

The closer they came to the café, the more Jungkook's stomach started to twist. He didn't want to meet her again. Hell, he didn't care if she ever got her things back.

Jimin pushed the door first, making the bell above the door ring sweetly.
The place wasn't very crowded, as expected. It didn't seem to be that popular even though it was located at one of the busier streets.

Jimin took the liberty of approaching the counter first. Jungkook was thankful to him, as he would probably have been too shy to ask. There was a dark-haired man wiping some coffee mugs. His name tag said 'Taemin'.

"Excuse me", Jimin popped.
"Is there a Miss Aileen working here?"

Taemin scanned the both of them with his eyes.
"Who's asking for her?"

"I have something of hers", Jungkook intruded to get this over with already.

Taemin nodded and stuck his head back behind some curtains to the employees' area. He called for her and she came out, looking a bit less messy and rattled than she had the day before due to the rain and wind. She was wearing a worker's apron and her hair was tied back neatly. If he did look closely, he noticed that her features weren't entirely Asian. One of her parents was probably Western. But his thoughts trailed off when she looked at him.

"God help me", Jungkook prayed.

His hand stuffened around the paper bag as she came out from behind the counter.

Jungkook already knew what was coming from the way she glared at him.

The gaze she gave him was pure ice, but at the same time, it was like fire. Something about it intrigued him.


Coincidence - [j.jk] on pauseWhere stories live. Discover now