17| E v e l y n

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Feel my blood runnin'
Swear the sky's fallin'
How do I know if this
shit is fabricated, Mmm
Time goes by and I can't
control my mind
Don't know what else to try,
But you tell me every time
Just keep breathin' and breathin'
and breathin' and breathin'
And oh, I gotta keep on breathin'

- Breathin', Ariana Grande

- Breathin', Ariana Grande

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17| Evelyn

Evelyn stiffened in her position, warm and comfortable. She laid down for some more time and enjoyed the feeling. She hadn't slept comfortably for so long that she didn't want to get out of bed. A few seconds later, she sensed something unusual. Her senses kept telling her something was not right at its place and she groaned internally and opened her eyes. The ceiling was white, just like her room but the room seemed bigger. She lifted her head just a little and then she saw the bookshelf. She was ready to go back to sleep.

That is Mason's bookshelf.

Evelyn sat up at an instance. She looked around. A dim light was lit and no one was around. When she looked outside, she saw it was dark.

How long have I been sleeping?

She stood up and found her phone on the bedside table. Taking it she got out of the room and closed the door. She looked around looking for someone, anyone. The corridor was dimly lit too.

Where is Mason?

I hope to find him, she opened the game room door, no one was there. She walked on and she found another door and opened it. When she looked inside, she saw a figure sitting on the edge of the bed, with his face in his hands looking down. She took no time to recognize him and turned on the light.

Mason looked up. "Hey."

His voice sounded hoarse than usual. Evelyn sat down beside him. He was looking down at his phone.

"She didn't pick up." His voice cracked slightly.

"This is Mallory's room." He said as he saw Evelyn looking around. The room looked tidy and clean and everything was in its own place, nothing like Evelyn's room.

When she looked at the bedside table, she saw a photo frame. She stood up and took it and then sat at her place. She looked up at Mason who was looking down at the photo.

There were four people in the photo. A man and a woman, smiling at the camera and there was a girl of seven or eight smiling brightly. The man had one hand on her shoulder and the other around the woman's shoulder. The woman had her arms around a boy who looked the same age as the girl. They were all smiling at the camera and they looked like the happiest family in the world.

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