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Stephan seemed out of it like he was in shock, he pulled Killa and me after him. He yelled like a crazy person out in the hallway as he was pulling us further down. " I need help, something is happing to Brooklyn!" He nearly screamed her name. One door got rip opened.  Carmen was standing in the door frame. She looked terrified. " What is going on?" She said hoarsely. "I can't, I just can't explain. I haven't seen anything like this. You need to come. You need to help her. " It was like he was rambling. " Follower me, please. " He seemed so out of it, that it made me so afraid seeing him like this. His black hair was a mess, his black eyes were popping in that way only a crazy person would. " What is going on." Captain came into the hallway, " listen to what I'm telling you, people, Brooklyn is not herself, something has happened to her you need to help me. " You could hear his worry was soon gonna take over. " Where is she? " Damien came out of the room. " Come," Stephan said and started to run. We all followed him into the room where we left her. 

Brooklyn was laying on the floor. She was red around her eyes. She was pale like a deceased. She was screaming and moving around like she had an epilepsy attack. Her screams felt like knives on my skin, just cutting deeper and deeper into my bones. Max was sitting next to her supporting her head, letting his hands go with her heads movement.  " What happened?"  I asked, hiding that I could feel that I slowly had trouble breathing. " I don't know we were just talking and then she collapsed," Max said, he was focusing on protecting Brooklyn's head.  "I have never seen anything like that," Caspian said surprised.  She stopped having her small epilepsy attack and she stopped screaming.  Max took his hands away. She sat up, but she didn't seem like herself. Her eyes were red.  She seemed to be in a trance. She got to her feet. " Stop looking for him, you will just end up hurting them both in the process." It was didn't sound like Brooklyn, but it was a man's voice instead. Her eyes got back to normal and then she collapsed. 

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