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The door to the cellar was opened and the devil himself stepped inside with two of his demons aka Morgan and his small puppies. " Are you guys enjoying yourself?" Morgan asked as he walked closer towards us, his puppies stayed by the door. " Always," I said with a cocky smile. "That's good that you are enjoying yourself, my son,"  Morgan said with a smile which made it chill down my spine. Morgan turned to Marcus. " I see that Marcus is here too, " His smile became wider, and I felt like my spine got frozen to ice. I had a bad feeling. " Sorry, Marcus but we couldn't have you sniffing around." He said it like he was explaining to a child why it was bad to eat ice cream for dinner. Marcus didn't say anything. He just kept his mouth shut. It seemed like Morgan got bored by him, so he turned back to me. He grabbed my face. I could feel how his fingers and nails slowly bore through my skin and my bones. I bite my tongue so my face would stay ice cold. Moderately the taste of iron spread in my mouth. " William, my son. I know you and me got our disagreements, but I really want you on my side. Don't you see, that the humans should bow for us? They are the real disease in this world." He whispered it in my ear. " Just fuck off will you," I said and pulled my face back. Morgan went a few steps back as if I spat fire like a dragon. Morgan made a hand movement to one of his small puppies. One of his puppies came further to Marcus. I realised that  Morgan's puppy had a hammer. " Now I ask again William. Be apart of this new revolution and you will go down in the history books forever. If you say no your friend will break every bone in his body." Morgan's voice had gotten harder.  I didn't say anything. I couldn't let them do that to Marcus, but I couldn't either be apart of Morgan's so-called revolution. " Willam, I don't matter don't become apart of this," Marcus said. One Morgan's puppy slapped Marcus with his hand. I still couldn't get myself to say no. " Fuck all of you. William you still got the power to stop this! Morgan will not win if he doesn't have you on your side." He was right there was still hope. " Fuck you." I forced myself to say. I could feel the guilt starting to rush in my veins when I saw Morgan give a sign to his puppy that he should start hammering. I closed my eyes before I saw the hammer go for Marcus' knee first. I could hear his scream of pain and the kneecap break. Morgan turned back to me. " You can stop this." I opened my eyes forcing myself to look at Morgan and not at Marcus.  " Just piss off!" And the hammer went again to Marcus next knee. I turned my head so I didn't see the hammer hit Marcus. I felt like my heart break a little everytime I heard him scream and every time I heard a bone break, I would have stopped this, but Marcus kept refusing me to stop this by giving myself up. 

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