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The air was slipping out of my lungs. Every muscle in my body was screaming for air. The girl's eyes were blood red as they meet mine. She was sitting on me strangling me with her legs holding down my arms with hers. There was starting to get black dots for my eyes.  I had to do something before it was too late. Think you, stupid idiot! 

 I swang my legs around her. She lost her grip around my neck trying to get her breath. Her legs got weak, and I could feel the air in my lungs again. My legs clang harder around her neck until she lost consciousness. Her body fell down to the ground. I got bewildered on my legs. There were only three kinds of people who were on the field, there were the dead, the ones who were winning and the ones who were dead men walking. Max wasn't surprised how many people who were helping with this war, so many people were supporting the clan yet many supporters Morgan. Green grass was painted red.

I could feel hands around my neck. I didn't have time to react before their hands ripped through my chest. I could feel a hand around my heart. It got ripped out of my chest. I sunk to my knees. I could feel the blood leaving my brain and end on the ground. My vision slowly turned black, like when a director of a film wanted the scene to kinda fade away in the darkness. The sound of people's bodies hitting the ground, the sound of fighting and screams Gradually dissolve before it was all gone and there was just this peaceful silence left.  

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