Meeting Him

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Harry's P.O.V-

The sound of my stupid alarm woke me up. I searched for my phone under the covers as it continued buzzing.

"Fuck", I cursed under my breath as I finally found it and slid a finger across the screen, getting rid of the noise that was giving me a headache. Or maybe it was the fucking hangover. Like I care. I pushed my head back into the pillows, knowing I was gonna be late on my first day at work. I knew I couldn't stand to be in that damned place for more than two seconds, let alone a day. What's the fucking point?!

Me. A teacher. A math teacher. When my brainless father proposed this idea for the first time, I was like, are you fucking kidding me? He thinks I need to engage myself in something productive before I start my PhD. As if I was even planning on getting a fucking PhD. I didn't want to be a fucking super educated C.E.O like him!

As of now, I didn't want anything more than to go back to sleep. I hated my life, my father, my fake friends and most of all this fucked up teacher stuff!

I heard soft knocks on my door and groaned internally knowing who it was and what the person wanted.

The door opened a bit and Mary poked her head into my room.

"Harry? Sweetie its better you wake up now, before your father sees"

I jolted up in my bed at the mention of the sick man.

"Hasn't he left yet?", I asked because his face was the last thing I wanted to see right now.

"Oh no love, he's just gonna come down to breakfast", Mary paused before continuing,"He said he was gonna drop you off at work today". The words she spoke and the sympathy in her voice made me cringe, the headache was ten times worse now.

"Harry, please just hurry up and come down for  breakfast honey. Please don't make it any harder than it has to be", Mary said before closing my door softly. She was the one who had honestly taken my mother's place in my life, since I was 8. I loved her a lot but could never admit it. I quickly got up rushing to the bathroom, not wanting to upset her by creating another scene at the beginning of the day.


Nik's P.O.V-

                   I entered the teacher's room feeling a hint of excitement in my heart. He was supposed to join today. But my little ball of anticipation was nothing compared to the others. It's hilarious to see all these girls getting oh-so excited to greet this newcomer, both teachers and students. What has gotten into them? I mean yeah most of the female  teachers here are pretty young and I can understand their excitement which had mostly been fueled by Kristen who claimed to have seen this 'drop-dead gorgeous' guy but what about the students, like they should literally have at least some amount of respect for him, like you really shouldn't drool over your teachers! Jesus. I shook my head to get rid of these disturbing thoughts. I needed to focus on my day. Em lead me to my chair and I sat down, thanking her quietly.

Harry's P.O.V-
                        "This is your first real job son, I expect you to  give your best at it", Austin said in his usual commanding tone as I was getting out of his stupid Marcedes. I wanted to give him the middle finger and just tell him to shut the fuck up for the rest of his life.
First real job. Yeah well I couldn't give two fucks about it.
"If you do something stupid, there will be consequences. Be a good boy."
I slammed the door on his face not wanting to hear anymore of his crap. Why the fuck did he treat me like a five year old?!
His last words did have their effect on me anyways, making me clench my jaw and close my eyes, trying to contain my anger.
I strode towards the building not allowing myself to think over the asshole's words anymore. I knew that was just gonna make things worse.
Let's get this shit over with already.

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