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Harry's P.O.V-

                            Wrapping the now wet towel loosely around my waist, I run a hand through my damp hair. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, my wet curls hung around my face, looking darker than usual, my green eyes a little bleary. The skin of my chest was tinted slightly red get from the hot shower. I stared at the numerous tattoos littering my body. I still sometimes have trouble believing that this was me. The guy who used to be afraid of so much as a needle anywhere near him. It was a challenge, each one of these tattoos, an internal battle with myself. And I'm proud of them.

But then my gaze landed, on the scars. The scars that were mostly hidden by ink but some still peeked out. To remind me things that I wanted to forget so bad. The scar on my right side, the one that extended almost upto my shoulders, had been one of the most painful. Everytime I looked at it, I could feel all the pain, all the blood curdling screams coming back to me. It brought back one of the most terrifying nights of my life. I shut my eyes tight. I can't bear to look at them anymore. Its like he gave me these permanent scars, so that I could never escape my past. So that I could never forget, how weak I had been. So that, I could never fully move on, no matter how hard I tried because these scars would remain etched into my skin forever. My throat became tight as sobs pleaded to escape. But no. I won't let all the effort that I've put into making myself strong through all these years, go to waste. I won't give him what he wants. I won't let him win. I took a deep breath and turned away from the mirror.

Pulling a shirt over my head I grabbed my phone, wallet and car keys in from the nightstand and stuffed them into the pocket of my skinny jeans. I slung my laptop bag on my shoulder and went downstairs.

"Sweetheart, you're going somewhere?", Mary asked as I was about to walk out the doors of this huge fucking mansion that can't be called a home

"Sweetheart, you're going somewhere?", Mary asked as I was about to walk out the doors of this huge fucking mansion that can't be called a home

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"Yeah I've got work to do", I replied briefly.

"Oh but Harry, don't you remember, you're supposed to be present for the dinner with the Langfords tonight", the old woman reminded me in a worried voice.

I clearly remembered and that's exactly why I had arranged for the project work meeting tonight. Anything's better than facing the Langfords and my father together. And dinner with them? no thanks I'm good.

"Uh no I kinda forgot. I won't be able to join them, I've got some urgent work"

I watched her wrinkled face, pale significantly, "But Harry, darling your dad won't be happy about it, you know if he sees-"

"I don't fucking care Mary", I say monotonously.

"But Harry you know he'll be furious"

"I said I don't fucking care, okay?! What, he'll beat me up? lock me in a room? Mary I'm not a fucking five year old anymore okay? I'll deal with him later", I said anger clouding my senses at his mention. People need to get it straight that I don't wake up everyday to fucking please him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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