Chapter 2 - God is in his heaven, all's wrong with the world

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Today I received a visit from God.
A huge, bright white light was coming from the sky and dazzling me.
That's an exaggeration, even for a God!
It wasn't looking to be nighttime anymore, neither it felt like I was in the same place.
Even never having believed in God, he introduced himself to me.
– Hello – I greeted, trying to look at the light, but blocking my eyes with my hand.
"I'm God".
Now most people would be on their knees begging for forgiveness and blessing.
Not me.
– What would a God want with me? – Tired of all this light, I turned my back, with my arms crossed looking at my long shadow cast on the ground.
"I have a task for you."
– A God's task for me? Should I be flattered for this opportunity?
"The Earth is not only inhabited by humans. Good beings and creatures of darkness exist and are hidden in the four corners of the world. By convention, only humans can change and make the history of the Earth, but more and more humans are being negatively influenced by evil forces. That way, it's just a matter of time for mankind to fall into ruins. "
– Hey! Hey! You are God, why don't you solve this problem by yourself? – In an involuntary impulse, I tried to look into the light again, but the pain in my eyes just made me turn around again.
"We, good beings, have to fulfill our part and do not interfere with the human world. Just because such creatures of darkness do not meet the Treaty, it does not give us the right to break it. We were the one that created the Treaty at first. It would be illogical to disobey the Treaty ".
This could not be more human nature. The law cannot penalize an individual who broke the law breaking the law.
– So do you want what? That I free the world of these creatures of darkness?
"Only a human can interfere with the human world. A human representative, a human mediator is necessary to heaven be able to interfere. "

– But I? Seven billion people in the world and just me is chosen? I did not believe in you moments ago! Surely there is someone far more qualified for this task!
"You have a strong sense of justice. You are ideal for this role. "
There's something fishy there. I can even have a strong sense of justice, but there are people with more sense and more power to do that somewhere in the world. Well, he is God, if he's saying, then it must be true. Even if it's not true, he should not be mistaken in choosing me.
– What if ... I refuse?
God did not answer.
A chill went down my spine. I felt the pressure of silence on my back. The overwhelming pressure of God's presence.
– It's not like I have anything better to do anyway. Why not take a chance, right?
Without seeming to have any change in intensity or direction of the light in my back, my shadow became shaky and swayed from side to side, like the tail of an excited dog.
"Very well. Then, so be it. "
And so the light disappeared along with my shadow.
Abandoned and left in the middle of the night.
What was I supposed to do now?
I took the way home.
The next night, I got a not-so-unexpected visit from an angel. He introduced himself as Solfeggio. Solfeggio Harmonics. With his blond, curly hair and his soft white robes, harmoniously illuminating the night. All you would have expected of an angel with small wings, halo, sandals and a bow and arrows stored on his back. I have no idea how angels aged, but his body resembled to a body around my age.
– So you're Deth?
– Yeah.
– I'll be watching you for a while, until you get used to with your service.
– OK. And where do we start?

– Hmm. – The angel was thinking. Unlike God, this angel didn't have an air of superiority. He did not look any different from a human with wings. – I found a place. Hold still. – He turned around and extended his right hand to me. I held his hand tightly with both my hands. His wings grew up four times in size, throwing feathers everywhere and quickly, with a strong impulse, we started a flight.
We landed in a cemetery. The place you least expect an angel to take you. We're probably here looking for what God has called creatures of darkness.
Regardless for what reason, being in a cemetery at night is not pleasant.
– Look there.
I looked. A distant figure was approaching and coming into my field of vision. Making a strange sound, like someone was trying to speak and vomit at the same time and the smell reminded me of the vomit of someone who had eaten spoiled meat.
It was a world-famous creature. A zombie. An undead. With the meat of defaced appearance, with droopy eyes, jawless, bones coming out here and there, it made me wonder why a creature so horrible could be so revered in today's times. However, I had most obvious things to do at the moment.
– And now? – I asked the angel.
– Now you defeat it.
– How? – I turned quickly to him.
– No need to despair. A zombie is the weakest creature around. Small fry. You will be fine.
– Right. That I get it, but with what I'm going to fight? Am I not going to receive any kind of weapon or special power?
The angel opened the eyes a little more than normal.
– I have to tell you that I also have no idea. I'm just here to make sure you don't kill yourself and not to teach you how to fight. I advise you to try to do something with this zombie. As I said, he is very weak, and even an ordinary human can defeat him. And, contrary to what you may be wondering, there is no danger of infection that will turn you into one of them if you are bitten.

Deth Mörder and the Ascended DemonWhere stories live. Discover now