In The End-Pt12

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Joanne Wong. Guilty of fraud. James Molamphy. Guilty of fraud.  Shaohua Huang. Guilty of treason.....

"Is this the end?" Joanne said quietly.
"Maybe." Shaohua replied holding her hand tightly.
"Fuck, I don't wanna die man. This is fucked up."
"Bro it will be ok. We'll all be ok." Adreanna reassured Eric.
Kathy looked around and spotted Tierra being pushed out of the interrogation room in handcuffs.
Tierra Bradley. Guilty of treason.
"Tierra, you did your best." Kathy said to herself.
"It's not the end yet" Tierra whispered
"There are more secrets than just me, or Andy, even Archus." She continued.
Lok, James, and Vincent just about met with the rest until an eliminator stopped them.
"Stop. You're an Eliminator aren't you?"

"Yeah, but does it matter, I'm gonna die anyways." Vincent said nonchalantly. The eliminator kicked him in the stomach.
"VINCENT!!!!!" Everyone yelled in horror and shock.
"HALT your attack mister." We will have time to kill them all." President Damned declared as he entered the hall.
"Tch, so that's what he looks like. Never seen an more disgusting man in my life." Rinoa muttered.
"I would keep that smart mouth of yours shut Miss Woo. You wouldn't want to be first would you?"
She flinched at his words and kept quiet.
"Ok, so we have Joanne Wong, Adreanna Catuncan, James Molamphy, Eric Chen, Kathy Li, and Rinoa Woo, Jasmine Louie as part of the 50% who were supposed to be eliminated. And Tierra Bradley, Vincent Zhang, and Shaohua Huang, Andy Lok who rebelled against the government and committed treason." The secretary said.
The group looked amongst themselves in confusion. James mouthed to them, "Where's Nguyen?" Others shrugged and some were lost in thought.
"Ah, if you are wondering where your precious leader is.....he's right here." said the president.

The doors opened and out walked Andy. With his father and a few other high ranking eliminators.

Oh no. We can't escape this now. Adre thought.
Joanne looked down to muffle her sobs and Shaohua tightened her grip on her hand.
"It's going to be ohk. It's not the end" Tierra repeated.

"Andy!!!" Tierra yelled. No response, he observes everyone with a soulless stare.
"No no no no no...this cannot happen." Shaohua quietly panicked. James confused asked,
"Why wha-"
"They brainwashed him. They must have. Watch." Adre replied and called Andy, "Noogen!!!!"
He looked at her and gave no answer.
"Shit." Vincent cursed. "We really are gonna die by his hand."
"AHEM, are you all done?" The president asked.
"Yeah, hurry up old man, heaven is waiting for me." Adre snapped back.
"Oh sheitttt sis."
"I'm dead. She went off." Tierra lightly laughed.
The president ignored them and started to babble on about the government and how it's structured and other boring crap. As that was going on. Rinoa looked at the individual eliminators closely.
".......wait a minute.......those dudes look way familiar........" she locked eye contact with one of them, "W-WANG?!?!?"
Wang stared blankly. It looked like he was too far gone.

"Tierra has been wonderful help to the capital. She will keep being wonderful help to find the other 50 %." He sighed "For the rest? I suggest you say your goodbyes."
"What a coward." Rinoa scoffed.
"Pardon." His eyed darkened
"What is your soft spot for Tierra." Rinoa questioned "Apparently you don't have the balls to kill her. I want the back story."
"You don't already know. And here you thought you guys were friends." He laughed
"I wanted to tell you guys but there was not the time." Tierra cried
"What the FUCK IS GOING ON." Adre screamed
"Bullshit" Kathy laughed angrily"there is no peace. Our blood is about to splatter on the wall by you."
"By me?" He seemed confused "Tierra is going to kill you all." He looked at Kathy in the eye
"No! No! No please. Sir I can't. I cant do it. Please." Tierra scream as she was being dragged to front of the room.
"Shut up" Wang yelled as he uncuffed her and shoved a gun in her hand.
"Wang remember the 50%. Please don't do this let her go." Kathy screamed
"STOP" Rinoa screamed
As soon as that happens Tierra hit Wang on the face and turned to Archus.
"I'm sorry. Your my blood, but you are too far gone."
"Andifer, hold Wang down until I figure out how to unwind this." Tierra commanded
"Are we ohk?"Shaohua asked
"Before I found out about my grandfather,-" Tierra was interrupted
"Hold up, hold up! So are we just going to ignore the fact that Tierra just called Andy "andifer", or that tierra just SHOT HER GRANDFATHER. HE IS DEAD. GONZO" Kathy screamed
"Well did you want me to shoot you." Tierra stared at Kathy
Silence filled the the room.
"Good. I didn't think so. By the way he is not dead." Tierra sighed, "He doesn't die."
"The fuck you mean he doesn't die my dude. He has a bullet whole in his head." Eric said confused
"My dad created a machine where it brainwashes people and it's gives others control over them, when the brainwashing is reversed, it changes a person eternally. He made it before I was born. Before Archus even came into power. When my grandfather did come into power, my dad started noticing that Archus was gaining too much power and it all got to his head. My father brought his work to the capital and my grandfather demanded it to be tested on him." Tierra explained
"It's still doesn't explain half the stuff that goes on here." Adre stated
"Yeah, but so far. that's at's all i know. From what Archus is telling me." Tierra sighed
"Maybe it's not the machine, but a blood line. You know, like when a person from your family line dies, they can come back to life." James said.
"James, this is not a book or a syfy movie. We are not a family of vampires, or witches. If that was the case, my father wouldn't of been in a coma right now" Tierra stated
"Then there has to be a reason." Rinoa looked at Tierra
"Of course there is a reason but.. that's just not the case ok." Tierra lowered her head.
"What do we do now." Lok questioned.
"We need to get all the eliminators to the to my office and then the lab to reverse the brainwash. Technically they are under my control. If I die they will be lost. This chip I hold is the key to their memories. If you do not have my living, warm blooded body finger print, then you have a problem." Tierra thoroughly explained
"Ohk, mission keep Tierra alive." Kathy laughed. "So do they not speak?"
"That's the sad part... they only speak when i say to, but it's not going to be them."tierra looked at Andy
"So basically Andy is trapped." Joanne worried
"Not exactly... he is just on vacation." She smiled sadly
"Well it's not exactly a good vacation." Vincent said trying to lighten the mood.
"We have to lock Wang and Archus up separately. Archus being corrupt and Wang's controller .. things can get potentially dangerous."Tierra states

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