●T h r e e ● Suns & brothers

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     "Is that you, Loki?" whispered the blonde asgardian looking at the little lizard which was sitting on his chest. His body hurt and he didn't know where he was. And the green creature was licking his face, with its long and unpleasant toungue.

      With a mumble, Thor lift himself up:

      "If you are not Loki, then you are not allowed to sit on my muscles".

      The lizard didn't look impressed.
Thor exhaled, gazing around the place he had fallen into. A planet with rough mud and black sky.

      His heart was aching, Thor's wish to find Loki was so big it felt too heavy to carry it through the galaxy.

      Lifting his chin, he let himself remember his brother's face. Loki's long and black hair, his soft glances and green eyes. His half-moon smiles and dark clothes. The way he will call Thor by his name, with pleasure and a little bit of temptation:

      " Thor?"

     Yes, like that. Like the whole world had been carried by him and his brother knew his pain and loved him for it. His brother, with his broad shoulders and fine features. Who would smile at him as his knife would cut his flesh, blood running out of his veins and he will whisper his mercys.
      Loki will stand above him, like now, giving him the power to carry on.
      Wait what.
      Thor blinked, whispering:

     "Am I hallucinating? Where is Mister Lizard?"

     Loki looked bored and unimpressed. He was, in fact, a hallucination. Well, if Thor wanted to believe that.

     He took his brother's chin in his fingers, glancing right through him and smiling like nothing really mattered:

     "I came here to help you find me, brother. I want you to be brave for me and for everybody. I need you to be the sun which will shine above us. Can you do it?"

       Thor swallowed his heartbeat back in his chest, blinking again and wanting to press his fingers around Loki. Wanting to embrace him in his arms. He smiled:

     "Anything for you, brother. Where are you now?"

     Loki shook his head, still with a huge smile on his lips and replied:

     "I don't really know for sure and I can't tell you, but I can tell you how to save me. Follow Thanos, brother. Follow him and destroy his weapon. Destroy him, too. For me."

     Thor gave him a look, talking slow and breathing hard:

    " But-"

     Loki didn't let him finish:

    "Bruh, listen to me. I am in his weapon, kind of locked there. You need to destroy it".

     Thor blinked, his voice full of concern:

     "Brother, you talk so strange. What happened?"

     The god of mischief was bitting his lips:

     "A boy named Peter Parker happened. They are all there, bro. Come and save me. Save them".

    "You are trying something and even if I can't tell what, I don't believe you are telling me the whole truth. That's the whole problem in our relationship". The asgardian expression was interesting. Loki wanted to kiss his expression.
But he didn't.

    In fact, he did something. He put his hands around his neck, still standing on him and kissed his cheek, whispering:

     " You are such a drama queen, of course I am not telling you everything. You need to find me first, then find the whole truth. I need to be sure you will come to save me".

     Thor gasped, but Loki was already gone. He was nowhere to be seen and Thor's heart made an awful sound. He lift his body, blinking faster than ever and said:

     "Stupid little brother, I am always coming after you. I will always save you because you are my sun."
He was, in fact, Loki's sun.

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