● F i v e ● lust

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         Running to save your life can be tough. Especially when your feets hurt and you can't erase your brother's face from your mind. Especially when you are in love with him.

       Well, there were moments when Thor wanted to hate that dude. Love was poisonous, even more poisonous for Gods. Gods could love for ages, of course. But love was...something they didn't quite understand and seem to lose after a while.

     Love was something temporary for them, like the people they loved. Beautiful and adventurous at first, but terrible in the end.

    That was the fate of every God. To love mundanes and watch them sink. To watch their young flesh getting old or being torn apart.

     To love and lose. And love again.

     But Thor never loved a mundane. It took thousand of years to realise the feelings he had for his brother.

    Now there was no turning back.

    His love wasn't tiring or dead or ready to be erased from his heart. His love was pitifully strong and unbreakable, it wasn't a burden. It was a blessing.

      Well, not in moments like this, of course. He knew something was strange about the way Loki appeared and talked to him, the way his eyes glanced at him and his mouth smiled.

    Not cunning. Not Loki like.

    Maybe it was just a cruel joke.

    The monster behind him snarled and moaned, almost choking on his own saliva and jumped on his back. Thor turned with a furious sound and punched him with his hammer.

     "Die, bitch" cried him, full of rage. "Can't you see I'm trying to think here?"

       The beast arched its back and seemed to sniff something in the air. Then turned its black and white monstrous face to Thor.

      Thor hit again and killed it.

     "Trying, but you can't. You never once had a thought in your whole life, brother"

     The voice was cracked and cold. Like ice itself.

     "Brother" Thor panted and got up, full of blood and mood. His eyes blue and full of surprise. "If you were there, why didn't you help me?"

      Loki winked, lifting his chin and vaguely smilling:

     "Oh, why, dear brother? You needed help? But you're the God of Thunder, the most powerful Avenger, aren't you?"

     He paced to him, now his smile was huge and real. He flickered his tongue and chuckled cunningly:
    "I can't help you, I'm not really here. I saw you trying to get to Thanos and failing. I saw you eating and then sleeping, then getting up and running from that thing."

      If Thor wanted he could move closer, just an inch or two, and then   kiss him. Kissed those scars on his pale kiss, maybe even hold the back of his head and touch him. Touch that cold and cunning smile of his and break it.

      " You are saying that you've been stalking me."

      The God of mischief grinned, his eyes wicked and green. So green it was almost impossible to look in them.

     "Yeah, kinda. But don't worry, you'll get a praise when you save me"

     Thor swallowed a limp and opened his mouth to ask him something, but Loki was gone.

      He sighed and clenched his fingers on his hammer, turning his back to the dead beast and starting to walk.

      Love was terrible for Gods. Especially when you loved Loki.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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