Chapter Three

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Alright! It's time for everyone's favorite class; our talent class! Though I don't know how a teacher could teach a class with different types of talents... Oh well. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

When I arrived, I saw my friend from earlier, as well as lots of different people I didn't recognize.

"Welcome Ms. (y/l/n). My name is Chisa Yukizome, and I'm going to be your teacher this year."

"It's very nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

Ms. Yukizome smiled back.

"Please, take a seat."

And so I did. Though the middle was taken, so I took one in the back. That way I could see all my future friends.

One by one, students filed in the classroom. With each new student, I planned a new way to be friends with them.

"Alright, I guess now that everyone is... Wait a second... Where is Nagito?"

Wait... Nagito's in this class too?


Seconds later, Nagito burst through the door, panting heavily.

"I'm so sorry... I'm late... I got lost..." Nagito apologized in-between pants.

"It's fine. Please take a seat." Ms. Yukizome said with a smile.

Nagito nodded, before finding a seat in front of me.

"Alright everyone, let's begin with simple introductions of your name, and your talent."

One by one, everyone went. Since I was in the back, I was one of the last students to go.

"Hello everyone! I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), and I'm the ultimate friend. It's very nice to meet you."

"That's your special talent? Being a friend? Ha! Talk about lame!" Saionji said with a laugh.

"I must admit that it isn't a very special talent, but I do put it to good use when needed."

Ms. Yukizome frowned.

"Everyone's talent is special, no doubt about it. Now, let's go on with the introductions."

Once the final person went, we learned that our first few lessons would be where each new day someone would teach or explain their talent to the class. Tomorrow would be Peko, and today is Ms. Yukizome.

Explaining our talents, huh? This should be fun and exciting!

For the next while, Ms. Yukizome explained the jobs, roles, and responsibilities of being a housekeeper. It was quite interesting to learn, and would be very important if I ever get married... If anyone would ever be willing to marry someone like me...


Now that this class is over, it's time for lunch. Who should I hang out with? Mikan? Nagito? Someone new? As I searched the are for someone who may be looking lonely, I saw a girl who looked not particularly lonely, but wasn't talking with anyone. If I remember her name correctly, her name's 'Chiaki'. She was just playing a game on her gaming console, and not eating. Deciding to hang out with her, I walked up to her, and sat down next to her.

"You're going to need to eat if you want the strength to play video games, you know?"

Chiaki seemed slightly startled by my statement, as if she didn't expect to hear that, or even notice that I was there.

Chiaki then paused her game, and turned to me.

"Guess you're right." Chiaki said, before taking a bite of her lunch.

"So... What were you playing?" I questioned, trying to start a conversation that she'd enjoy to talk about.

"Just a random racing game. Kind've repetitive, but a classic." Chiaki answered in-between bites.


We then had an awkward silence. My weakness... I must end this!

"Hey. Mind if I sit with you two?"

I turned my head to face Nagito.

I smiled.

"Sure." I answered, while patting the seat next to mine.

Nagito thanked me, before sitting down.

Now that Nagito's here, the awkward silence should end! This is perfect!


I can't explain it in a logical way. I've always been attracted to hope like a drug. It's something that I can't live without. But I've never been attracted to a specific person's hope before. So why am I attracted to (y/n)'s hope so much? Guess I better hang around her more often to find out what makes her hope shine so much... And so that's what I'll do...

I'm so sorry for taking SO long to update! I've been so busy, plus unmotivated to write anything, so it's been hard to update. But I'm trying to get back into it, so I hope to be able to update more frequently (for the next few weeks anyway because we're moving soon). Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Later! =^-^=

His Obsession (Yandere!Nagito X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now