A Bit Of Love and Hate Chapter 7

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Hi guys!! 

Soo this is the Chapter 7 hope y'all like it sorry if there are some wrong grammars

That's all thank you.xxxx

Harry's POV

I woke up at 11 am in the morning.. I was dreaming of Zhyzhia, a smile grew on my face..I really like her even the first time I met her, but how will I know now if she like's me back?.....Wait Harry!! Don't think of that first..Think first of how to apologize to her...I'll say sorry to her and make her friends with me?...Okay that was awkward..haha.Yeah! I'm really going to do that cause I don't want seeing me and her hating each other..Then Niall barge into my room making me jump...

'Harry!! will be going to leave and have lunch at Nandos!!! I'm soo excited.. go and get ready we have only 30 min. left' he says to me....then he walk out of my room.

I got through my bathroom, got in the shower and let the hot water flow into me after 10 minutes of shower, I got of my bathroom and get dressed..I wear a jeans and a white v-neck shirt..after I got ready I run through the stairs and I saw them all in the living room..Danielle and Liam were on the couch cuddling, Louis and Eleanor are on the love sit cracking each other some jokes there's Niall on the floor eating chips then I saw Zhyzhia and Zayn on the couch with Danielle and Liam...Zayn's arms were on Zhyzhia's shoulder....Why did Liam didn't see that? Jealousy is hitting me now!!..But I just forget them and seat beside Niall...My eyes were glued on the t.v but i'm not concentrating because Zayn and Zhyzhia were whispering at each other looking like a 'COUPLE' but their not..I'm the one should be at her side right now....I really should apologize to her.

'Let's go guys I'm Hungry now' Niall whined while holding his stomach...When did Niall never stop eating?.Then I heard Liam says..

'Okay guys let's go now..' they all walk through the the door except for Niall who runs out...Then I heard Liam says something to Zayn...

'Hey Zayn keep your arms off my little sister okay, did you understand?' then Zayn answered

'Yeah yeah' hahaha now you can keep your arms of her Zayn cause She's MINE  well definitley not yet mine....Then I saw Zhyzhia walking through the door looking beautiful...We got into the car and drove to Nandos, We got in there silently then we took all our seats and take our orders in a few minutes the foods are all here after we finish eating we paid it ....Me and The Boys decided to go to the park...This is it this is were I'm gonna say sorry to her..We got through the park then I saw Zhyzhia sitting on the bench...I walk through the bench and sit beside her then I started to talk....

'Hey' I say to her while looking at the ground..

'Hey, What are you doing here..Why are you not with them?'she says to me while looking at the sky..

'Uhmm nothing I just wanted to be alone too just like you..'

I say to her then she just stands and started to walk away but I grabbed her arm to turn her face to me.

'Where are you going?' I say to her, then she look up at me in the eyes and says..

'You said you wanted to be alone too' But then I started to change the topic..

'Look Zhyzhia, that's why I came here is I wanted to say sorry to you, I'm so sorry I have done some bad things, I'm so so sorry for everything... I just don't want to see the two of us hating each other... I wanted to be friends with you not enemies...Just please forgive me Zhyzhia Please...' I said to her... It's true all the those words are from my heart I really wanted to say sorry to her..But then she just look at the ground..I guess it didn't work out...so I started to walk away, but then I heard her screamed my name and says...

'HARRY!!..I'm sorry too, I'm sorry for hating you that much..I can't stand that we're being enemies and I'm so sorry for shouting at you last time and Okay!!..I forgive you!' after she says that we gave each other a big hug...Ahhh hugging her right now makes me want her more.

Yippy!! finished chapter 7 I'm gonna post chapter 8 tommo :).. haha I hope you like it 

Soo the upcoming chapters is where they will realize their love for each other and that they were meant to be..but that will be at the other chapter..this chapter will be only FRIENDS first...sooo yeah...

Just comment or vote guys and tell me what do you think of this chapter thanks.xxxx


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