Chapter Seventeen

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John Pov
When Washington and Alex left, Angie said, "How do you apologize to someone for fucking up their life?"

"Lemme're talking about Alex?" Martha asked, staring out the window.

"How'd you know?" Angie asked.

"Cuz you fucked up his life."

I would've laughed but then I remembered it was true.

"You could give him his cross back." I suggested.

She looked at me with bright eyes. "That's a great idea!"

"Yeah, but what if he gave up hiz beliefz becauze of you?" Laf asked.

Her bright eyes became dull.

Laf shrugged and went into a different room.

"Hey I think they're back!" Martha said running out the door.

"Wait Martha!" I exclaimed, scrambling to follow after her.

Angie grabbed my arm. "Just let her." Angie muttered.

I sat back down and mumbled a few okays.
I picked up my water.

"What if I had sex with him? Would he forgive me then?" She asked.

I spit out my water.

"ANGIE! Did you forget?!? Me and him are going on a date later!" I shouted.

"Oh right. Sorry. I forgot he was gay." She muttered.

"Well he might not be. It's really broad spectrum that we are dealing with nowadays." I said softly.

"Hey John?" She asked.

"Shut up."
"Yeah, Okay."

We sat in silence with her asking me weird ass questions ever now and then. I shot off the floor.

"WHERES MARTHA?!" I screamed.

"OH FUCK!" Angie screeched, bolting up next to me.

Eliza ran out of her room. "What's happening?!" She shouted.

"MARTHA!" Angie shouted, grabbing her coat and running out the door.

I ran out the door. Martha was running away from walkers. She saw us and screamed, "JOHN!"

That's all it took for me to run faster then a fucking cheetah.

One of them grabbed her.

That's when I realized I didn't have a gun. She was sobbing and pushing it off.


She stopped and pulled her wrist around its arm and pushed the walker down.

"GOOD! NOW RUN!" I shouted.

She started running. I could tell she was getting tired. I heard gunshots and all the walkers were down in a matter of seconds.
Alex was there.
Washington behind him.

Martha ran to them and jumped on Alex, who tried his very best to hold her. But she eventually realized that he couldn't and got off of him. I saw a walker coming behind them. Moving at a considerably fast speed.

"Alex! Watch out!" Martha shouted.

He turned around and shot it.

It was quiet.
Too quiet.

A rumbling in the earth occurred. "W-what's happening?" Angie asked in a panicked voice.

"I don't know..."

That's when I saw it. The gigantic hoard of walkers.

Fuck me then.

I could see the annoyance in Alex's face as he let out a sigh. Then he smiled and said, "Welp. We better run...things are about to get messy." I chuckled.

The massive crowd was pretty far away but it was obvious that they were coming here. Alex, and Washington jogged back, Martha in Washington's arms.

"It's obvious we need a plan." Alex said, walking into the house.

"Alright. So here it is. Laf, and Herc you'll stay watch and tell us if the dead bitches are coming. Eliza, Peggy, Angie, you'll protect Martha like your life depends on it. Oh wait. It does. Okay, Washington you'll use my gun and shoot as many of them as you possibly can. I'd do it but...Reloading would be extremely hard for me. John, you and I will go around the hoard and to that building over there and try to get the walkers over there. I have sparks, fireworks and firecrackers. Don't ask why, I just do." He told us.

Did he put me with him on purpose?
I sure hope he did.

" are the most badass person I've ever fucking met." Eliza said.

Alex smirked. "I'm a very optimistic person but when I am tested I will not hesitate to do what's needed." He said, smiling.

A rush of jealousy went through me. I quickly pushed it away. He's going to go on a date with me.
He likes me.
It's fine.
Everything's okay.
Don't be a petty lil bitch John.
I could hear the growling for outside.

"It's go time."

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