Chapter Seven

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John Pov
I walked into the house and heard Washington and Alex talking. I couldn't hear them due to the fact that they were in a separate room but I could definitely tell because we have thin walls. I heard small sobs and Washington walked out a few minutes looking quite proud.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He's Fine. He will be anyways." I saw Alex come out of a room.

He leaned out the wall, and held his head in his hands. He dropped to his knees, eyes closed, hands together.

"Is he...praying?" Angie sneered.

"Yeah. He is. Let him be Angie." Eliza said from the couch.

"Why in the hallway?" She questioned.

"Where else is he going to do it?" I snapped.

He did a sign of the cross, muttered something and stood up. He went into the bathroom.

"What do you think he prayed about?" Martha asked.

"I'm not sure. Probably for this to be over and for everything to go back to normal." I said.

lIf he has half a brain then he would've realized that will never happen." Angie said.

"It was a guess Angie. Cool your jets." I told her.

I heard the shower turn on and Alex exclaimed, "Holy shit! It works!" I snickered.

"What'd you think It would do? Explode?" Angie called.

"To be honest it was a possibility!" He said, sounding very shook from the bathroom.

Angie scoffed with a small smile on her face. I started to read a book and heard the shower turn off. Angie went off to do something. After a few minutes Alex came into our living room staring Angie down.

"What'd you do with it?" He growled.

"What ever do you mean Alexander?" She asked, faking being shocked.

"You know exactly what I mean." He hissed.

"You see that fire that we have out there? To attract the dead ones away from our house? Well...funny story..." She said smiling.

"Oh my - You wouldn't. You can't be that cold." He said, tears forming.

"Oh but I can." She hissed.

"Wait. Back up. What happened?" Washington asked.

"T-that monster took my fucking cross and burned it." Alexander said.

Angelica smirked. "You're going to hell buddy. Don't worry bout it." She said.

"I'll see you there." He growled.

"Oh damn." Peggy commented.

"Good riddance." Alex muttered, grabbing his bag and hat.

"Where are you going?" Angie asked.

"A fucking church asshole." He growled.

"Why?" I asked.

"In hopes of finding a new cross." He told me, his tone nicer when talking to me.

"Can I come?" Martha asked.

"What do you think John?" He asked.

" long as you stay safe." I told them.

Martha squealed and pulled his arm out the door. I turned to Angelica, steam practically coming out of my ears.

"Why?! Why the fuck do you hate him so much?!" I shouted, standing up.

"Because he's a god damned idiot. He's not going to last long here and is just going to bring our group down with him." She replied.

"Says the one BRINGING OUR GROUP DOWN." I shouted.

"Oh really? You wanna go there? He murdered three people. How many have I murdered? Oh right, a grand total of none. Who believes in fucking myths? Oh again, I must've forgotten...NOT ME!" She yelled.

"My god you're so fucking dumb! What's in your head? A bag of rocks?" I asked.

"Fuck you."
"I'm gay asshole!" I shouted, storming down the hall into a room.

I slammed the door and sank to the floor. She's such a bitch sometimes. And then she'll come back and be all sport but then she's just back to being a jerk the next day.
It sucks.
Alex didn't do anything wrong. He's been nothing but nice yet she's still mean.'s time we considered kicking people out.

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