Chapter 12

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     Spottedpaw padded through an unfamiliar sun-dappled forest. The air shimmered with light, as though bits of stars hung in the air. Ferns unfurled and cleared a pathway for her as she traveled through the undergrowth. The surrounding trees grew so tall that she couldn't see the tops of them; beams of sunlight filtered through the leaves so easily that she wondered if the treetops existed at all.

     Fresh prey-scent filled her nostrils. This forest has to be overflowing with prey, she thought to herself, closing her eyes and drawing in the mouth-watering scent. Spottedpaw felt oddly at peace in such foreign territory; something about it soothed her, despite the strangeness of it all. Somewhere behind her a twig snapped, and instead of panicking, Spottedpaw flicked an ear and kept following the path that the forest led her on. She glanced down at the earthy forest floor and noticed that each pawstep she took left a shimmery trail behind her, while the path ahead of her held a soft glimmer.

     Spottedpaw gave a pleasant sigh as the path opened up and the sunlight hit her fur directly. The forest seemed to carry on endlessly, stretching so far that she could only see trees upon trees. The sunlight that reflected off of the leaves and ferns called to her, leading her further into the depths of the woodland. She gave a soft hum of surprise when a couple of birds flitted across the path in front of her and ignored her desire to chase after them. When she took a closer look, she recognized the dark sheen of a swallow; the other was unmistakably a blue jay. Even the birds here are friendly, she mused curiously when she watched the birds dance around each other. How interesting.

     Eventually, the forest led her to a warm clearing. Several flat rocks rested in the sunlight, and on top of those laid multiple starry-furred cats. Spottedpaw flicked her tail when she noticed how their pelts glimmered in the sunlight. When she turned away from the sunbathing cats, she spotted a familiar dark-furred tom and padded over to him.

     "Greetings, Spottedpaw," Shadestar murmured and dipped his head. Next to him sat a tall, fluffy white she-cat that Spottedpaw immediately recognized as Ivorystar.

     "Did you summon me here, Shadestar?" Spottedpaw queried with a respectful dip of her head to the two leaders. The blue-eyed tom gave a gentle chuckle and nodded to the cat at his side.

     "You give me too much credit. Ivorystar has been asking about you ever since I made it into your dreams." Spottedpaw turned her gaze to the elegant molly and tilted her head curiously. She wondered what Ivorystar could possibly want from her. The molly stood from Shadestar's side and padded forward until she stood in front of the apprentice. Spottedpaw stood there awkwardly when the leader stared her down.

     "It's nice to meet you, Ivorystar," she uttered after a lengthy silence. Ivorystar remained silent, though her amber eyes glittered thoughtfully. In a way, Spottedpaw thought she resembled her mentor.

     "So this is our brave child," the long-dead leader murmured at last, her deep voice as smooth as honey. "The path ahead of you will not be easy, Spottedpaw. Do you understand this?"

     "Er . . . I don't exactly understand what you mean," Spottedpaw stammered. "Is something going to happen?"

     "Oh, yes," Ivorystar chuckled. "Be prepared, young one. You have given StarClan and the ancestors of MistClan hope once again." 

     Spottedpaw cast a confused glance at Shadestar. Though the smoky-furred tom said nothing, she saw amusement glittering deep in his blue eyes. She felt like both cats were speaking in riddles just to toy with her.

     "You might not understand now," Shadestar mewed after a heartbeat, "but you must prepare yourself for what will soon happen. You will undo what's been done, Spottedpaw." The two starry-eyed leaders turned away from her and padded into the ferns that lined the clearing.

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