Chapter 25

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     The days after Riverdash's death seemed to blur together; it was much like how Spottedpath felt after Hawkscar's death, though this time she wasn't confined to a medicine den or sedated like poppy seeds. She'd lost track of time, the only indicator of days passing was the steadily-decreasing temperatures and bitter winds. Few cats paid much attention to the dazed warrior, though every so often, someone would come to ask if she was okay. The words usually fell on deaf ears, however, and left Spottedpath more confused than before. She hadn't even noticed when Mouseberry had approached her, the odd-eyed tom's face riddled with worry.

     His mouth moved as though he were speaking, but no words registered to Spottedpath. She blinked and tried to discard the blank expression she knew she had, but it was no use. Luckily, Mouseberry didn't seem offended with how his words only went through her—if anything, he seemed more worried.

     "Spottedpath, are you okay?" His words were muffled at first, and Spottedpath wondered if she had water in her ears. However, she heard well enough to manage a response this time, and had to hold back a relieved sigh.

     "Oh, yes. I'm fine, thank you," Spottedpath responded, her voice no more than a distant whisper. She told herself her behavior was stupid—she'd dealt with loss before, so she couldn't grasp why it was hitting her so hard this time. Maybe there's something wrong with me, she thought guiltily when Mouseberry hid a concerned glance. I almost yelled at Fishstar after he took the time to help me bury Riverdash. Spottedpath told herself to get a grip as she recalled the memory, her eyes glazing over when her mind drifted there.

     Spottedpath padded in the direction of the camp behind her leader. They'd buried Riverdash outside the Gathering clearing—it was Spottedpath's choice, she thought it would help him find his way to StarClan. Her paws were still covered in blood, though it was now sticky and uncomfortably noticeable. When she looked around, her sight blurred together, and she was suddenly unsure if they were even returning to camp—she was only following Fishstar.

     "There's a small stream nearby," Fishstar's hesitant mew brought her back to reality. "You can clean your fur there, and I'll wait for you here." Spottedpath only blinked, feeling too numb to process the words he spoke. Her gaze flickered to him slowly and she found herself choking on words she didn't remember speaking.

     "Where were you?"

     "What?" Fishstar countered quickly, though she could see guilt plainly in his eyes.

     "You heard me." Spottedpath could hear her voice wavering and cracking as she spoke. Her gaze darted away from Fishstar briefly—scanning the distant hills distrustfully—before landing back on his face.

     "I got caught up with something important." Even though his tone was flat, Spottedpath could see that he was considering each word carefully. She noted that he wasn't careful enough when she found herself biting back a sharp rebuke; he must have seen it in her eyes, because he stepped forward and spoke again, "Spottedpath, things happen—" That was her breaking point.

     "My brother is dead because you weren't there like you said you'd be, and all you have to say for yourself is that things happen? Seriously?" Her voice was wry as she felt anger bubble up inside her again. Fishstar only stared at her, seemingly unable to find an appropriate response.

     "Spottedpath? Hello?" Spottedpath blinked when Mouseberry waved his paw in front of her face to get her attention. "Where'd you go just now?" She winced when she finally realized how concerned her usually carefree friend looked.

     "I was just thinking," she murmured absent-mindedly, inwardly cringing at her own stale words. Mouseberry fixed her with a disbelieving stare before he shifted his gaze to Mosspuddle. Spottedpath watched him, noticing how his expression turned from thoughtful to something darker; she knew he was considering losing his own sibling, and he'd realized he couldn't stand the idea.

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