Chapter 20

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     Spottedpaw yawned and exited the apprentices' den, squinting as the rising sun blinded her temporarily. The clearing was already buzzing with activity from warriors and apprentices alike, and Yellowheart's authoritative voice echoed as he sorted out the patrols of the day. In front of the deputy, Spottedpaw noticed Firthistle, Smallmoon, and Tinyflight, Smallmoon's old mentor, expectantly waiting to hear their duties of the day.

     She felt a painful tug at her heart as she remembered what Heatherstar had told her the night before. For once, Spottedpaw found herself wishing that Rockstorm would critique her hunting and battle stances. Though irritating at first, she'd admit the smoky warrior's chastising nature grew on her. She could almost hear his condescending tone as he begrudgingly gave her advice whenever Swallowclaw chimed in.

     With a sigh, Spottedpaw made her way to the medicine den. They must have the traveling herbs ready, she thought bitterly. When she squeezed into the den, the faint trickling of the pool in the furthest back corner soothed her worried mind. Off to her right, Spottedpaw noticed Muddapple sitting patiently. She was painfully aware of his golden gaze following her as she stepped further into the den.

     "Blueheart?" she called hesitantly, wondering if the old medicine cat was in the crevice sorting through herbs. "Skyfeather? Are you around?"

     "They went out to stock up on herbs," Muddapple spoke up when nobody else answered, startling the apprentice. "They left your traveling herbs with me." The brown tabby pushed forward a bundle of herbs, and Spottedpaw gave him a wary glance.

     Without a word, she stepped forward until the bundle was at her paws. Spottedpaw turned her gaze down to the herbs and sniffed it hesitantly, enticing a chuckle from Muddapple.

     "Just eat them," he murmured, amusement dripping from his voice. "I know that look. No, I didn't put anything in the herbs. I'm a medicine cat, for StarClan's sake. Not everyone is out to get you, Spottedpaw." Spottedpaw looked back up to meet his gaze and saw that, to her surprise, he didn't look offended at all. After a moment of thought, Spottedpaw felt silly for her silent suspicions and ate the bundle of traveling herbs.

     "Thanks," she mumbled awkwardly. The apprentice nodded to him and rushed out of the den, not wanting to suffer another moment under his inquisitive gaze. When she entered the main clearing once more, she was met with familiar faces.

     "Spottedpaw!" Firthistle called and bounded toward her, Bouncepool close behind him. "I have to go on some morning patrols, but I just wanted to say goodbye one more time. I-It would have been nice to have more time with you, but Heatherstar won't waver no matter how much I beg her to reconsider."

     "Oh," Spottedpaw spoke, taken aback by his kindness. "You didn't have to do that for me, Firthistle. I'm sure she gave you a scolding for it."

     "Not at all!" the pale brown tom assured her, his green eyes glimmering and a hint of a blush resting on his muzzle. "I wanted to try and persuade her. We can still talk at Gatherings, though! I promise, if I see you, I'll come say hi!" Together, the two brothers bounced off to meet the rest of their patrol. Not far off, Spottedpaw noticed Talonstrike watching their interactions. His sharp-angled face held a stoic expression, and his long-furred tail tip fluttered lazily at his paws. Before she could look any closer, Swallowclaw and Jayleaf approached her.

     "You know where to find me at the Gatherings," Jayleaf murmured before Swallowclaw could speak. The grey tabby's eyes were round with sadness as he spoke. "You better come say 'hi' if you see us!"

     "I will," Spottedpaw promised, nudging him affectionately with her paw. "How could I go to a Gathering and not sit with my BlazeClan buddies?" Jayleaf gave a chuckle and stepped back, indicating that it was Swallowclaw's turn to say his farewells.

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