Sophie POV

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I started to slowly wake up. But I don't want to because I was snuggling against soemthing warm. It was probably Ella, my stuffed elaphant I can't sleep without. Then I started to bring my hands down and felt soemthing hard. Hmm. What's that? It was really hard and it felt like... bones?? Omg where am I. I opened one of my eyes and saw Keefe there next to me still sleeping but his face was in my hair. He looked so adorable when he slept. Wow that was creepy. Instead of getting up I just stayed there and got closer to Keefe. He's asleep he won't know 😉. I just clung onto him tighter. I breathed in his smell. It smelled like... mint. He smelled really good. Wow that's even more creepier. I slowly drifted back asleep.

Keefe POV (at 4am)

I suddenly woke up because I heard a noise. I looked up to see what it was. Foster fell out of the bed and was next to me. I pulled her up to the cot I laid on. I laid her down next to me. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

"Sweet Dreams Foster," I whispered.

I counted her breaths and went back to sleep.


I woke up again from noise. It was Foster. She was snuggling closer to me. I just smiled. And I pulled her in closer. She slowly fell asleep again.

Sophie POV

A little later, I fully woke up. I checked my phone and it was 1 pm. Ehh. It was Saturday. I don't have any classes. I'll be fine. I quietly got out of Keefe's grasp around my waist and blushed at the way Keefe's head was in my hair. I got up and went to the kitchen. I carefully opened his fridge to look for food. I found some Nutella and took out the whole bottle. I opened it and started eating it with my hands. I know that was disgusting but who cares. Keefe probably will but whatever. I heard someone moaning and looked around until I saw Keefe getting up. He was really muscular and his hair looked cute when it was messed up. I giggled and blushed. I looked down to cover my face with my hair. I could almost feel Keefe smirking at me from the shadows of my hair.

"Are you eating my Nutella???" Keefe asked.

"Ya," I said triumphantly.

"Noooooooo!!!" Keefe cried clutching his heart sarcastically.

"Hahahaha," I cackled like a witch.

Then Keefe did soemthing so unexpected. He picked me up and carried me like a sack of potatoes.
I was trying to get out of his grasp. He stopped when we got into his bathroom.

"Umm, why are we in here?" I asked Keefe.

"Uhh, Okay, so is it okay if I do your hair?" Keefe asked nervously.

I answered him by giving him a brush. He smiled and I smiled back. I sat on the bathroom counter while Keefe was behind me. He brushed my hair softly and started to braid it. He told me to close my eyes until he was done so I did. After about 5 minutes he told me to open them. It was in a beautiful Dutch braid. Somehow he put beautiful flower pins in it. I looked like I princess. My mouth just dropped and Keefe blushed.

"This is amazing Keefe. It's so beautiful!!!" I squealed.

Keefe smirked and he handed me my clothes so I could change. I shooed him out of the bathroom and got ready. I was wearing this red flannel with shorts. Wen I finished me and Keefe started to head out for breakfast. Today is going to be an amazing day.

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