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But to all good things comes an end. This also goes for your glorious sand castle. Someone is on his way to ruin your artwork. Danger is imminent. This attack will be lethal.

Who will destroy your sand castle?

Aries: Smile Dog

Taurus: The Bloody Painter

Gemini: Uh well, you and Ticci Toby weren't too smart when you built the castle so close to the sea. The sea destroyed it.

Cancer: Laughing Jack

Leo: MASS ATTACK. Apparently all the pastas felt like destroying your castle at the same time. Slenderman took the lead. Such a sad story.

Virgo: Masky

Libra: Laughing Jack, again. He reaaally thinks he's being funny.

Scorpio: Hoodie

Sagittarius: You destroy it yourself, together with Glitchy Red, so no one else can do it. Better do it yourself right?

Capricorn: Jeff the Killer

Aquarius: The Puppeteer

Pisces: NO ONE. You're a true architect and the castle you made with Lost Silver is so beautiful...

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