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It's dark an rainy and you're walking through the almost empty streets, on your way to the forest to get to the mansion after some grocery shopping (do pastas shop or do they just take what they need and leave? Lol). You're always the one to get the groceries sinse you were the most innocent looking. But since you had to appear innocent, you couldn't bring any weapons.

Soon, you spot a suspicious looking man and he seems to be following you. You walk into some random streets and indeed, the man is following you. Soon, the man manages to corner you and you are practically defenseless.

Just as he is about to come closer, you hear a low growl, followed by a voice saying "don't touch her." You turn around, to see who your savior is. It's...

Aries: Eyeless Jack

Taurus: Masky

Gemini: Jeff the Killer

Cancer: Lost Silver

Leo: Laughing Jack

Virgo: Hoodie

Libra: The Slenderman

Scorpio: Glitchy Red

Sagittarius: Ticci Toby

Capricorn: Homicidal Liu

Aquarius: Kagekao

Pisces: BEN Drowned

Lol that was a long one.

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