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It's April's Fools Day, a tradition even the pastas won't forget about. Everyone is pulling pranks on each other and for safety, you decide to team up with someone. Together you stand stronger, right?

So, who is your prank-buddy?

Aries: Splendorman

Taurus: Sally (she loves to prank others)

Gemini: Laughing Jack (no one can beat you, your prank partner is like the King of Pranks👑)

Cancer: Kagekao

Leo: BEN Drowned (he's a good pranker too, you know?)

Virgo: Eyeless Jack

Libra: Jeff the Killer (small secret: Jeff hates April's Fools, but when he's pranking around with you, even he likes it)

Scorpio: Hoodie

Sagittarius: Glitchy Red (and your pranks are so good everyone is amazed and impressed)

Capricorn: Masky

Aquarius: Slenderman (wow, you really bring out the best in this faceless old man, you even convinced him to prank around with his minions)

Pisces: Ticci Toby

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