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Cree's pov

So it's been a month since Game Shakers end and Benji, Maddi, and Thomas still won't talk to me so I guess a screwed up really bad because Maddi said that show was her life and sad part for me is I had a huge crush on Thomas and I still do So right now I'm going to Kel's house for advice

So I just got to Kel's

I ring on the door 

K: hey Cree what are you doin here

C: um I was just wondering if I can talk to you

K: sure

He lets me in 

K: So what do you want to talk about

C: so my family is leaving for Hawaii in a week and before I leave I want advice from you because Benji, Maddi, and especially Thomas won't talk

K: Cree listen the time will come for them to forgive

C: are you sure

K: I promise so right now just relax and if you run into them they'll probably forgive you

C: thanks for the advice Kel

K: no problem

I then go home and pack for Hawaii

And shockingly he was right I ran into to Benji and Madi and they forgive me and apparently their dating now

So right now my family and I have just arrive again Hawaii and when we got into our hotel rooms I was with Jayce and in the room Breanna called me

C: hey Breanna

B: hey Cree, so how do you feel

C: much better, Benji and Madi forgive me and their dating and I stopped crying over Thomas

B: great, and see you later Jade is calling me

C: ok bye 

So it's been 2 hours so I'm gonna go surfing but I wished I had Thomas to teach me god I gotta stop thinking about him

So I went to the beach and I ran into somebody and no his surfboard out his hand and while I was looking up I was abs then I look up more and I see blue ocean eyes and it was Thomas

C: Thomas

But he just walked away so I followed him

C: Thomas talk to me

He then turns

T: what is their to talk about you ruin my life

C: look I know your mad but at least can we  talk about something else

T: hmm let me think NO!!

He then walks away and I start to cry but I suck it back in and walk away

Jacye pov 

I saw Cree and Thomas talk and I could already tell what happened so I went up to Thomas

T: what cicchino

J: Thomas I don't like this new attitude of yours

T: what attitude bitch

J: did you just say to me!!!!

T: I called you a bitch which you are

J: Look Thomas Cree loves you 


J: Yeah and ever since you stopped talking to her she cried for a month

Then Thomas made an oh face

J: and I could already see you like her back, so if you don't suck it up and be man then Cree will be taken so if I was you I will turn around

He then turns around and sees Cree talking to a guy and he could tell us was flirting with Cree

Cree's pov

I just met this cute guy named Bret and he's really nice and sweet

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