New York

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Thomas pov

T: Cree its not what it looks like

C: oh really, it looks like you were just using me to get your dumb revenge

Hailey: why is Babe so annoying in real life

C: says the bitch who's with a immature baby who can't get over things

T: ouch

Hailey then runs at Cree and they start fighting on the sand

And when someone was trying to get Hailey off Cree he grabbed her nipples what a perv

2 hours later

I go into Cree's room and she's gone 

Oh no she must left already

Cree's pov

I'm in New York and I searched up this Hailey and she lives in New York and I never want to see Thomas again

Thomas pov

1 year later

Its been one year and I still can't stop thinking about Cree I guess I know how she felt

As I was walking down my neighborhood I look into Dillon's house who is my friend

And I see him and Cree holding a baby


I burst into his house and say nothing

I probably should of thought of what I was going to say

D: hey bro

T: don't hey bro me you stole my girl

C: first of all I'm not your girl and second were just doing a project and this is a fake baby

T: oh, but how do you know him 

D: are parents know each other

C: later D

Before she left

I kissed her oh how I missed her lips and she kissed back

T: Cree she kissed me plus I would never cheat on you, no one is as sweet, pretty, and smart as you

She kisses me

C: I believe you

D: by the way you guys are not banging in my house so get out

Hey guys I finally updated Sorry

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