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Thomas pov

If you guys are still wondering who my first kiss was it was Cree and you guys are probably thinking why isn't it Breanna because she was my ex but it was because before I dated Brea Cree and I kiss by her tripping on me and her lips landed on mine and that was both of are first kiss

So right now Jordyn and I got out of the water 

T: so Jordyn wanna go to the lual together

J: I'd love to 

Then we kiss

1 day later

Cree's pov

So I finally decided to go surfing even though I don't know how to but I gotta coach for me

And I think her name is Jordyn

1 hour later

So right now I'm going surfing

C: hey are you Jordyn

J: yes I am so you must be Cree

C: yep 

Then someone comes over and kisses Jordyn and when I get look at him it was Thomas

T: hey baby 

J: hey

Then they kiss

And then when Thomas saw me we stared in to each other eyes

But luckily we snapped out of it before Jordyn can notice

J: hey babe can you do this surf lessen for me I gotta go somewhere

T: ugh

J: please if you do I'll make our makeout session an extra hour ( trust me it hurts writing this)

T: I'm doing it

J: thanks

Then they kiss for about 3 seconds 

Then I finally say 

C: ehem

J: oh sorry bye

Then it was Thomas and I left

C: so gotta a girlfriend

No response

C: Thomas please just talk to me for once 

Still No Response

C: ok I know how to make you talk

I then tackle him to the ground and tickle him

And starts laughing his butt off

T: ok I'll talk

C: good

Then I get off him

T: by the way she's not my girlfriend

C: what do you mean, you kissed her for like 3 seconds in front of me and you I heard your little makeout session thing

T: but I haven't asked her

C: well your actions can speak for your words 

T: can I just teach you how to surf

C: sure

After he teaches me how to surf we go for some smoothies

C: Thomas

T: yeah 

C: I think this is the first time we've talked about something other than Game Shakers

T: I think so

Then after that we just talked and he was getting so cute 

Then Bret came and ruin it wait why am I mad that Bret 

B: hey babe

C: hey Bret

I then get up kiss him

I then turn around to see Thomas but he was gone that's weird

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