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Cree's pov

So I just got the worst news ever Bret can't make it to the luau him and his family are having a special dinner

So I guess I'll go alone because my family left I begged them to let me stay longer in Hawaii and they did

Thomas pov

So the other day when I saw Bret and Cree kiss I felt like punching Bret in the face and I don't know why I got so mad but anyway the luau is tomorrow and I'm going with Jordyn

But then someone knocked on my door

I go open the door

It was Jordyn

T: hey Jordyn

J: hey

T: so why you here

J: well I want to tell you I can't make it to the luau

T: what

J: my parents are making me and my brother Bret go to a special dinner

Wait Bret

T: oh ok

J: sorry

She then kisses me

J: bye

She then left

Great, now who am I supposed to take 

I was then walking in the hotel and I saw Cree's room and I decide to knock on the door

C: coming

She then opens it

Cree's pov

I open the door and see Thomas

C: hey Thom

T: hey

C: so whats up 

T: well I just need a friend to talk to

OMG it's been like forever since I have heard Thomas call me his friend

C: sure come in

He then comes in

C: so got any news

T: well my friend can't make it to the luau with me

C: why can't you just call her your girlfriend

Were talking on my bed

T: because I don't want to be market as taken

C: so whose the girl your saving for

Thomas pov

Shoot there's no way in hell I'm telling her I'm saving for her

What should I say

T: ughh

Then someone knocks on the door

And whoever that is I love them

T: whose that

C: oh I order pizza

Pizza delivery guy: here you go ma'am

C: thanks

So after that we just talked and ate pizza together

But there was This one moment when we both leaning in and we were about to kiss

But the almighty Bret had to ruin it

B: hey

And quickly stop

C: oh hey Bret

B: I just wanted to say bye before I leave

C: aww

Then they hug and kiss

That kiss should have been mine

So I decided to crash in her hotel room and she avoided the fact that we nearly kiss the whole time

Cree's pov

OMG I nearly kissed Thomas

Guys the luau is next

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