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Cree's pov 

so today is the lual but sadly I have no one to go with so I'll just have to go alone 

It start in a couple of hours so I guess I can go for a surfing lessons

Thomas pov 

I really gotta go see Cree I want know how she feels about us I want to know if we like each other or if she is really into Bret but I just gotta a text from Cree

It says

                                        Cree: hey Thom

Thomas : hey 

                                Cree: I was wondering if I can get surfing lessons before the lual


Thomas: sure 👍

Now I have a chance to ask Cree about how she feels 

After the surfing lessons 

So we decided to get smoothies and I'm about to ask her who she likes

T: so Cree

C: yeah 

T: I'm I-

Attention people the lual starts in 30 mins so if you want to come start

C: ooo sorry Thomas can it wait i gotta go get ready

T: I guess it ca-

She already left I guess she really likes Bret then


30 mins

So I got to the lual and it looks amazing 

And then I see Cree sitting lonely

So I go sit with her

T: hey Cree

C: oh hey Thomas, you gotta.try this food it's a amazing 

T: I'm not that hungry-

Then she shoves some in my mouth

T: omg this food is amazing

C: told you so 

T: Cree you look great

C: thanks Thomas

Then they play some music 

T: wanna dance professional dancer

C: Thomas my legs hurt and everything-

T: were dancing

I then pick her up and we start dancing and it was really fun and then they start play slow dance music so we get In position but I can't hold it in anymore I have to know how Cree feels so I kissed her and she kissed back immediately so maybe she does like me

Jordyn: Thomas!

Bret: Cree

OMG Bret and Jordyn caught Cree and Thomas kissing

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