Chapter Four

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(You're twenty in this.) 


You smile sadly. Aurora's fifteenth birthday is today, and that means only one more year till the curse comes into effect. 

One year left to live. 

Your friendship with Maleficent and Diaval has certainly grown. Diaval hasn't left your side, and you are glad for his companionship. 

You've grown so close to Diaval, that it's hard to imagine being without him. And, Diaval feels the same. 

You sit against a tree with Diaval, his arm around your shoulder. Your even breathing matches his, and you can feel his chest rise and fall steadily. You rest your head against his warm chest, and his free hand holds yours, lazily drawing circles across your soft skin.

"Diaval, it's Aurora's fifteenth birthday today." You say, trying to keep the sadness at bay.

"I know." He replies knowingly. 

"How's Maleficent?" You ask him. 

He sighs, "She still hasn't forgiven herself."

You smile sadly, "She should. Revenge blinded her, as I'm sure it would have done to any of us if we were in her position."

He sighs, "I wish she hadn't sought revenge..."

You glance at him with a laugh on your lips, "If she hadn't, I never would have met you. Think of the things that would never have happened if she had not done the things she did. . ."

He looks down at you, "I suppose this whole ordeal has made us more grateful for the time we have..."

"Yes, it has. And I'll make the most out of my remaining year."

"You should reconsider trying to find your true love. After all, it's the only way to break the spell." 

You chuckle, "I can't leave. Aurora needs me." Although, the real reason you want to stay is for more selfish reasons. 

"But this is your only chance to break the curse," He pleads.

Maleficent walks over to where you sit with him, "True love does not exist, that is why I chose it."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Maleficent," You reply, starting to stand up. 

Diaval hops to his feet before you, and helps you up. You smile gratefully at him, before you move towards Maleficent and gently hug her. She stiffens at your touch, but hugs you back. Diaval smirks at the sight.

You sigh, "I have to go make Aurora a proper cake before anyone else tries to make one." 

"Shall I escort you to your home, m'lady?" Diaval asks, holding his arm out in true gentleman fashion.

You grin, "Yes, thank you." 

Grabbing onto his strong arm, you allow him to walk you back to the cottage. 

"Diaval, would you like to bake with me?" You ask him teasingly.

He coughs nervously, "I don't think I'm much of a baker."

Rolling your eyes, you step over a tree branch, "You never know until you try." 

"Well, I think I'd rather watch you work your magic." His eyes twinkle as he lifts you over a large boulder blocking the path. You giggle, as he then helps you down a small steep cliff. 

He looks at you in curiosity. 

"How do you do it?"

"Do what? Bake?"

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