Chapter 20

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Hello, Romans! I'm sorry for the delayed update. I know that I said that I would add to chapter 19, but I wanted to start a new one, so here it is...

Titus had no justified reason to be with her. But his wolf and his damned soul called her. Their mate. And for some unknown reason, it had been a twisted fate that brought them together. He only hoped that he could change for the better.

Not for himself, but for her.

Decia watched on as the dark warrior shifted into his midnight black wolf. He ran into the setting sun, not even taking a glance back at the sultry seductress. He had his eyes set on a particular temptress that he would vow to never hurt or let go again.

He followed the faint scent of her she wolf and hoped that it would guide him to her. He needed to make things right, and to proclaim the only woman in this world that could free him of his demons.


Naledi looked up at the twinkling stars above. She had never in her life seen such a magnificent and alluring display. Back in her time, lights from cities interfered with the stars beautiful nighttime show. But here, where electricity had yet to be discovered, it was truly a priceless sight.

She snapped her head to the edge of the forest when she heard a low grumbling growl. She couldn't see the cause, but inside her mind, her wolf was howling in joy and jubilation.


Her body began to betray her when she noticed her feet stepping towards the direction of the hidden predator. When she finally got closer, a large alpha wolf emerged from the tree line. Naledi admired his thick black coat that glistened under the light of the moon. His icy blue eyes looked relieved, but she also took sight of the storm brewing within them.

In the front of her mind, her wolf was telling her to approach the beast and calm him. She stepped even closer and came face to face with the wolf. He stood proudly above her head with a massive display of predatory muscles that she knew at any moment, could demonstrate their shear amount of strength.

And after all he had put her through, and given his dark past... She was not afraid of him.

"I won't apologize for running away," she suddenly spoke with an eased confidence. "You scared me, Titus."

Titus perked his ears up, letting her know that he was indeed listening. He released a low grumble from deep within his chest. He took a few powerful strides to where he was now standing directly in front of her.

He lowered his large head and nuzzled his nose into the side of her neck. He took a long inhale of her scent that had Naledi shuttering under his touch. His nose was wet and cold, but her wolf was taking over and proudly allowing her mate full access to her neck. She was surprised to see his wolf being gentle.

That's because you're his mate. His wolf would never dare to hurt you intentionally. Her wolf spoke.

"Titus," she whispered as she trembled.

His tongue gently and lightly ran over the area where her shoulder and collarbone connected. And she recognized what exactly he was doing.

Placing his scent on the spot where he would mark her...

Before she could even gather her thoughts, she felt a cool breeze and two large arms being placed around her waist. Titus pulled her into his hard chest and held her close. He stroked her hair gently and rested his chin atop her head.

"I'm sorry," he finally whispered after a few moments of silence. "I am truly sorry."

His words broke her out of her trance, and that was when she finally realized that he was completely naked. But she was too engrossed in him to care at this point. She too wrapped her small arms around his thick waist. She could feel his taut muscles tensing and contracting, but they finally relaxed under her contact.

He inhaled her scent once more then suddenly gripped her tightly, almost squeezing her to death like a constrictor.

"Titus?" she asked worriedly while trying to gasp for air.

He released her than looked down at her. She saw his eyes turning pitch black, and realized that his wolf was pushing forward.

Not good...

"Why do you have another male's scent on you?" he snarled the words.

She was confused for just a second before she realized what he was talking about.

"Oh, Titus! That was just-"

She was cut off by the sudden attack of his lips on her. It was possessive, dominant, and passionate at the same time. It whirled her senses and made her lose track of her thoughts.

His tongue slipped into her mouth and roamed all around its inside. He tasted perfect and they connected perfectly like puzzle pieces. Their hands grabbed at each other and hers ran down the creases and hills of his eight pack. Titus released a deep groan when he felt her fingers brush over the V's of his hips. She too moaned into his mouth.

When she felt out of breath, he sensed her distress and immediately began placing wet kisses along the side of her neck. Sparks of intense electric pulses courses throughout her body.

His tongue flickered in the same spot as earlier. He tightened his arms once more around her waist and pulled her even more into his enormous body. She could feel his large hardness pressing into her thigh, and it sent tingle shooting through her core.

Titus immediately caught wind of her sweet arousal and began to extend his canines and rubbed them lightly over her flesh. Naledi was too lost in the overwhelming sensations that were building up. She felt a sharpness rubbing over her shoulder and realized it to be his teeth.

He was about to mark and stake his claim upon her, and she was tired of fighting her want and lust for him.

"Mark me, Titus..." she pleaded breathlessly.

And with those words spoken, he punctured her skin with his canines, and allowed his DNA to flow and take over her body signaling to others that she belonged to him.

His mate.

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