Chapter 25

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Salve, Romans! It's good to be back on Wattpad. I know that I haven't updated as often as you all would like, but I'm trying. I hope that you are all enjoying the story so far. It's pretty fun and emotional to write sometimes. I almost cried writing this chapter, so I hope you feel the same emotions behind it that I did <3

Chapter 25

Titus quickly threw his strong arms around Naledi in his natural instinct to protect his mate at all costs. Naledi's fingernails dug harshly into his skin, but he didn't seem to notice. Darkness and dreadfulness began to fill the air and surround everyone involved.

The familiar sensations sent a chill through her spine. It was the same feeling she got when she first entered the Underworld. The atmosphere was chilly, but the sign of no wind or breeze confirmed everything.

"Welcome," a deep evil voice echoed from behind.

A loud growl from Titus erupted from his throat. His grip tightened on Naledi, refusing to let her go. His blue eyes were dark; almost pitch black. His alpha wolf was making an appearance.

Jupiter realized that he no longer had the small Gemma in his arms any longer. Fury and anger began to rise and bubble. He recognized the voice that was heard from the distance.

"Pluto! What have you done?" Jupiter roared in anger. Everyone flinched at his tone, except for Pluto and Mars, who were standing next to each other with evil smirks.

"I did what I had to, dear brother." Pluto retorted. "You thought that you could banish me to my own personal hell, and not pay the price for it?"

"If you release Saturn from his prison, not only will you be destroying us, but you'll be destroying yourself as well." Jupiter warned through gritted teeth. "You've already caused me a world of pain by ordering your dog to murder my family!"

Titus growled out of frustration, and pushed Naledi behind him. She felt sick at the way Mars was eyeing her in sexual manner. He seemed so different when she first met him.

Pluto began to laugh maniacally.

"You think that Titus had anything to do with your wife and daughter's disappearance?" his expression turned into a scowl. "You thought wrong, yet again."

"What are you talking about, Pluto? I saw him covered in blood the day it happened." He accused.

Mars stepped forward with a triumphant grin across his features. Decia stayed behind with a look of confusion. He held his famous spear in his hand and continued to roam his eyes all over Naledi's body.

"Pluto and Titus were not the ones behind their disappearance, Jupiter. That would be my doing." He said with no remorse.

Naledi gasped, but Titus remained still, planning the death of his foe.

"What?" Jupiter was seething with anger. His lightning bolt was shining brighter, waiting to be used.

"That's right, Jupiter." Minerva moved from behind him and walked with swayed hips towards Mars. "And I helped him." She stated proudly.

Mars had a twisted grin as Minerva made his way over to him. She placed a hand on his broad chest and delivered him a suggestive wink. Mars wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a rough kiss.

"It's such a pity to see how all of ones you thought to be loyal to the all mighty Jupiter turn out to be plotting against you." Pluto laughed humorously.

Jupiter's eyes were shining bright with anger. "How could you?" he asked Minerva and Mars. They both just had twisted smiles.

"I would do anything for the love of my life." Minerva spoke. "And your rules prohibit all the Gods from being together. And that daughter of yours caused you to become even more strict." She spat.

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