chapter 17

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Good afternoon, Romans. I hope that Saturn's message didn't scare you too much! I really hope that Titus and Naledi can put a stop to him before his escape, but I guess you will have to keep reading to find out what happens ;)

Do any of you have your own actor and actress for one of the characters? If you do, I'd love to hear about it!

"Utinam nos degat pars Romanarum"

"May a part of Rome live within our hearts"

Chapter 17

Decia repeatedly tapped her long blood crimson nails against the hard surface of her vanity. To say she was frustrated. would be a complete understatement. Pissed off was more like it. She wanted results from their plan, but none that pleased her had come so far.

The next time she saw that brown-haired chit; she would gladly rip her limb from limb with her daemon claws. She mentally smirked from the pleasurable thought. Stealing something that belonged to her was a crime punishable by death in her own warped view on justice.

"Nothing is going according to plan, Mars." She said as she sent him a devilish glare. "You said that Titus would me mine! Only you left out a little detail... That bitch is his mate!" she screamed in anger.

"If I were you, I would shut that mouth of yours before I do it for you!" Mars sneered with a threatening tone.

Decia immediately obeyed his command. She had been working with the God of War for a while now, and she knew better than to get on his bad side. She usually wasn't afraid of anything or anyone, but Mars was a different story. Corruption had surely damaged his once honorable reputation.

"Well have you at least come up with another plan? We can't afford to lose anymore time." Decia rose form her seat, slowly walking towards Mars who was propped against a wall. "The blood moon is in three days, and then Saturn will be released from Tarturus."

Mars knew all to well what would happen when Pluto released Saturn from his exile. The foolish God would was blinded by a false reality as his brother, Neptune, had put it. Not only would Saturn destroy Jupiter and his followers, but he most certainly would not take mercy on Pluto and the Underworld.

"Did you take care of the mortals?" he asked, interrupting himself from his thoughts.

"Of course. They knew too much." She answered confidently. If there was anything she hated, it was anything that was considered mortal. They disgusted her.

Mars let out a deep exhale, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Where are they?"

"I locked them up in one of the dungeons. They won't be able to escape like last time."

"Which brings me to my next point," Mars began with a wicked grin on his youthful features, "We need to deal with Proserpina."

Decia widened her eyes. She never once cared for Proserpina because of her loyalty to Olympus and especially Jupiter, but she dealt with her for the sake of Pluto. She was like an obedient dog when it came to him. Proserpina was the only woman he tried to love, and she certainly was not crazy enough to do such a preposterous deed.

"If Pluto found out what we did regarding Proserpina, he will surely kill me." She explained, as fear flashed through her cold eyes.

Mars arched his left brow and unfolded his muscular arms. Decia began to feel a wave of nervousness wash over her as he began stalking towards her very dangerously. His silver eyes darkened and his breathing became heavy like a wild stallion.

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