The Sunset

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Rosalyn pulled her hoodie back up over her head and trudged into town. 'I guess this was the ominous feeling I had then...' She felt like she barely had the energy to move. She felt like there was this abyss of darkness surrounding her, swallowing her up. She didn't feel like there was any escape for her. Her eyes focused on the small dirt path before her. "Is this how you feel, Shane?" she whispered to herself. She saw Pierre's coming into view and the anger twitched at her lips. His daughter was the cause of this. All her pain, her sadness, and her anger... that woman caused it. She didn't want to go into his store, but she knew she needed to unless she was going to have to pay more at Jojamart.

She pulled the door open and made her way to the shelves, hoping to avoid all eyes for the moment. She knew she would have to face Pierre, and even then she didn't want to do that. She grabbed everything she needed and made her way up to the register, the hoodie still pulled tightly over her so she could have some semblance of hiding. She placed her things on the counter and watched him ring her things up. "Rosalyn." "Please don't, Pierre." He looked at her with sad, sorrowful eyes. "I want to-" "I said don't. I don't want, nor need to hear any apologies. I heard. She's pregnant. Lucky for her. I don't care." She snapped and he opened his mouth to speak once more. "I get it, ok? You're ashamed she stole someone else's man. Ok. That's fine... I just... don't want to talk about it and no one seems to understand that the wound is still very, very much fresh." She said and took a deep breath. "I'm going to put all of this back. I just need to get away from here." She said and grabbed everything back off the counter.

She put everything back on the shelf, just the way it was before she had picked it up. She turned to the door and he was still standing there, watching her with those sad eyes. "You wanna know what really hurts, Pierre?" she asked, and he opened his mouth to speak, but she continued talking. "The fact that he couldn't have just told me that he no longer felt the same. The fact that he chose to go behind my back and screw someone else, and that your beloved daughter felt it was ok." She snapped and slammed the door behind her as she left.

She looked to see a group of people watching her, just whispering. She picked a few faces out of the bunch, Pam, Penny, Mayor Lewis, Haley, and Jodi. The tears felt like they were coming back all over again. She felt so helpless. She couldn't understand what she had done wrong. She had loved him... she had loved Sebastian so very much, and he betrayed her. Now it felt like she was the laughing stock of the town. Shamed and ridiculed. She tugged the hoodie even closer around her and made her way towards Jojamart.

Her thoughts drifted to Shane and how she had sent him away. Deep down she felt really bad for how she had sent him away, but she just couldn't look him in the eyes. Sure, she'd seen him at his possible worst, but she wanted him to keep seeing her as the smiling friendly face he knew. She glanced down at her hands and sighed. She also hated the pity in his eyes. She must have been a real mess if he was looking at her that way...


Shane wasn't sure what to do with himself. He had two more hours left of work, and yet he'd spent nearly the full shift angrily stocking everything in sight. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Morris watching him. Heaven forbid if the man decided to actually confront him. It was definitely a day Shane was feeling confrontational. Shane wanted absolutely nothing more than to strangle Sebastian, he felt that the little twerp deserved it for hurting Rosalyn. He heard footsteps coming his way and he repressed a sigh. Here it comes...

"Shane?" Ah, yes, Morris had decided to confront him. He set the few remaining cans back in the crate and he dusted his hands off. "Yes, sir?" he asked as he looked up at his manager. "Are you doing alright today, Shane?" he asked and Shane blinked. This was... odd. The man was usually annoying and overbearing, but the genuine concern in his voice had caught Shane off guard. "Shane?" his voice came through Shane's thoughts and made him frown. "You seem rather upset today, although I'm not going to complain because you just angrily stocked a full week's worth of groceries in a manner of hours... but I am concerned... not because of how it makes the store look, because that I don't care about. I am just concerned that you may need to take a few days..." Morris said and Shane blinked up at him.

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