Chapter 18

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Jeongguk didn't go to school instead he cried in the comfort of his mother's arms. He didn't tell her how bad he was feeling or what was going through his head. He just cried and cried, letting out all the frustration and pain that he had kept bottled up.

He didn't feel like talking to anyone about how he was feeling. Not his mom, not Jimin, not Jin, not the others, no one. He knows that talking to someone isn't going to make what he's feeling go away. He wished that even he didn't know what he was feeling or what he was thinking.

He just wanted Taehyung back. He wants him talking and laughing like before. He missed him so much.


Jeongguk laid on his bed with his blanket wrapped around him as he curled into a ball with his head resting on his mother's lap. "Mom," he called, his voice coming out in a whisper.

A hum resonated from his mother signaling for him to continue talking.

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know. It's different for everyone," she said as she ran her fingers through his hair. She could feel him relax more as she did so because of that she repeated the action over and over. "Hopefully soon." leaning down she gave a small peck to his head. "I have to get ready now. If you want I can try and check on him. See how he's doing." she said as she got off the bed.

A small okay emitted from the boy as he pulled his legs closer to his chest making him look smaller than he already did.

She had never seen him look so upset before. Even when she had told him about her and his father getting a divorce. He was upset but not like this. It hurt her heart.


The sound of knocking filled the silent house. It became a faint noise when it reached the male's room. A groan emitted from the boy for he didn't feel like talking to anyone. Instead, he laid there hoping that the knocking would stop soon but to his dismay, it didn't.

Angrily, he threw his blanket off of himself and got up off the bed. He made his way out of his room and down the stairs.

"Stop knocking, I'm coming!" he somewhat shouted for the knocking was growing irritating but the annoying noise continued.

The irritation quickly died down when he opened the door and was met with Namjoon and Hoseok. He was quickly pulled into a hug by Hoseok. He had forgotten that his eyes were swollen and red along with his nose.

"He's going to be fine," he said loud enough for only Jeongguk to hear.

He tightly shut his eyes and bit his lip while his hands tightly gripped his jeans to keep himself from shedding any more tears.

Pulling away from the hug Hoseok spoke, "We'll call the others to come over. You could use some cheering up."


The sound of keys and locks being undone caught the attention of the male. "I'm back." a familiar voice rang through the living room.

"Hi, mom."

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked as she walked over to the couch the other was currently laying on.

"Yeah, I am." he smiled. "The guys came over to cheer me up."

"That's sweet. I'm glad to see you're happy." she ruffled her son's hair.

A small laugh flew passed his lips. "Did get you to see Taehyung?" he asked as he pulled himself up a little.

"Aw, I'm a sorry sweetie," she said with a bit of a saddened tone. "I didn't get to. It was a bit busy but we can visit him when I don't have work."

"Okay. It'd be nice to see him." he smiled. "It's been a few days. I feel bad for not seeing him."


Jeongguk was taken by surprise as someone wrapped their arm around him, almost toppling him over. "Jimin!" he angrily shouted. "You scared the hell out of me."

He laughed. "Then my plan was a success."

"You're an asshole." he looked at him with a poker face.

"Glad to see you've cheered up some." he smiled and patted Jeongguk's back. "You know," he started. "I've wanted to ask you for a while."


"Do you like Taehyung?"

"What do you mean?" he furrowed his brows in confusion. "Of course I do. He's our friend."

"Not what I mean."


"Before, when I saw you two together it seemed like normal friends and he stuck to you cause he was more comfortable with you. So I didn't put much thought into it but when I looked at you, you didn't look at him the way you looked at the others. It's different."


"You're oblivious." he laughed. "I'll explain later but now let's hurry up and get to the others before they yell at us for taking forever."

The two began to quickly make their way to the cafeteria where the others were waiting.


"Hey, Tae." he smiled, even if the male couldn't tell if he was or not. "Sorry I didn't visit you for a while. I'll try to visit more often but I have to make sure I finish my homework first." he let out a small laugh.

"Try to get better quickly okay?" he grabbed Taehyung's hand. "I miss you. I wanna talk with you like before." a sad smile made it's way to his lips. "I brought you something." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring with a date carved on it.

"I wasn't sure what size you are so I just got the same size I wear." he slid the ring onto Taehyung's finger and to his luck, it fit. "I'm so glad it fit. I was really worried so I brought a necklace just in case but I guess I didn't need it after all."

"Jeongguk." a soft voice called.

"I gotta get going now. I'll see you as soon as I can." he stood up. "I'll see you later, Tae."


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