Chapter 9

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"Who's that?"


"This is the friend I told you guys about," Jeongguk said with a smile. "His name is Taehyung."

Taehyung felt him beginning to move. "No." he quickly said as he moved his free hand to grab the other sleeve of Jeongguk's sweater.

"Tae," Jeongguk whispered as he looked over his shoulder. Again those big, scared, pained and sorrowful eyes. God, how much he wanted to replace those feelings with warmth and happiness. "Stop worrying so much. They're not like everyone else. Please stop doubting me."

Taehyung looks down at the ground and gave a small apology.

"Don't apologize." he smiled. "Let's meet them, okay?"

Taehyung took a slow deep breath to calm himself beforehand. "Okay," he said quieter than usual. He peeked out from behind Jeongguk but quickly hid again once he saw them staring in his direction.

"Don't be shy." a calming voice said. "We won't hurt you."

Taehyung slowly peaked out again.

"Come on." The voice said again.

The voice belonged to a blond male with a pink shirt. He had a sweet smile spread across his lips.

Taehyung then began to look around at the others. One male had pale skin, kind of snow like. Another had dimples and his lips thinned out due to his smile and the last one had light brown hair that parted in the middle and a small but happy smile on his lips.

"See nothing to worry about." Taehyung heard Jeongguk whisper. He looked at the other and he had a big smile. "Let me Introduce my friends to you."

"This is Jin." he motioned the blond male.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Next to him is Jimin." he pointed to the brown haired male.

"Hello." The said male gave a small wave.

"That right there Namjoon."

The male's smile widened a small bit making his dimples show more.

"On this side is Hoseok and Yoongi." he motioned his hand. "The one with black hair is Hoseok and the orange haired male is Yoongi."

"Hi," Hoseok said cheerfully and waved.

The other male lazily lifted his hand and a small smile formed on his lips.

To afraid to say anything, Taehyung gave a small wave of his hand.

"There's no need to hide," Jeongguk told him.

Taehyung hesitantly took a step away from behind the other male. He flinched when he heard a loud gasp.

The so-called Jin had gotten up and now stood in front of the scared boy. "Oh my god," he said in shock. "You're so thin. How much do you eat? Are you eating right?" The male kept throwing questions left and right.

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