Chapter 21

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Jeongguk and Hoseok greeted Taehyung as they entered the white room.

"Sorry, we couldn't visit for a few days." Hoseok gave a sad smile. "We were a bit busy."

"It's okay." Taehyung smiled warmly at the two males. "I get to see you now and that's all that matters to me."

Content smiles formed on the other two males' faces as they heard that.

"So, how are you feeling?" Jeongguk asked, taking one of the empty seats and Hoseok doing the same.

"I'm feeling okay," Taehyung replied back. "A bit sore from yesterday's exercises but okay."

"Are you doing it today too?" Hoseok spoke.

"No, not today." he shook his head. "She said for me to rest today but tomorrow I am."

"Cool. We can stay as long as we want today." a big smile had formed on the male's lips as he spoke.


For the next two weeks, Taehyung had gained more muscle in his arms and legs. Walking down that hallway had gotten a lot easier. His legs didn't hurt as much as they use to when he had first begun walking again and he was able to walk on his own for quite a few seconds before his legs would start to hurt and feel tired.

He felt so happy about the amount of progress he had made in the past four weeks and continued to make.

"Now, Taehyung." The nurse spoke. "I want you to try making it from this door," she pointed. "To that one over there."

The nurse noticed how Taehyung's expression had changed from joy to shock. "I know it seems far but I'll be right behind you," she reassured the boy. "Now let's give it a shot."

"Wh-what if I fall?" his voice came off even softer than his usual.

"I won't let you," she replied.


"It's going to be okay." smiling sweetly at the boy she continued. "Trust me. I won't let you fall."


"I promise. Now let's give it a try, yeah?"

Taehyung took a deep breath and gave a single nod of his head. "Okay."

A big smile spread on her lips as she ruffled the males hair. "Let's get you up." she now stood next to the wheelchair, that Taehyung currently sat in, and crouched down a small bit. Grabbing his arm, she wrapped it around her shoulders and began to stand up as Taehyung used his other arm to push himself up.

Once Taehyung stood on his feet, using the nurse for help, the two made their way over to the door the nurse had pointed to.

"Now," she spoke. "I want you to do it without my help."

Taehyung was again taken by shock. "All the way?" his eyes searched the woman's face to see if she was serious.

"Yes." she nodded. "I want you to need me only if you really need too. Don't worry. You'll be perfectly fine."

He looked away from the nurse and down to the door. It seemed so far away. His attention quickly turned back to the nurse as he felt her pulling away from him and he began to panic.

"Taehyung, calm down," she told him. "Breathe in and out slowly. It's okay." she patted his back, calming down the boy. "I'm right here."

Taehyung did what he was told and quickly calmed down.

"Let's give it go, yeah?"

"Okay," he said and nodded.

Once the nurse had moved a small bit away from him, he put his hand on the wall to help balance himself as he began to walk down the hall.

It wasn't until he met the halfway point where he began to feel tired and his legs started to hurt a bit. He didn't want to ask the nurse for help.

He continued on the best he could. Sweat was now dripping down his temples and he was completely out of breath causing him to pant.

Only a few feet away from the other door, he could feel his legs quickly getting weaker. He didn't want to ask the nurse still. He wanted to make it to the door completely on his own now but he couldn't. He took another step and instantly his leg bent.

The nurse was quick and caught him before he could fall to the floor. "Don't overexert yourself, Taehyung," she told him, voice coming off in a serious and stern like tone. "You don't want to stay in here longer, do you?"

Shaking his head, he replied. "No."

"Okay, then. Always ask for help when you need it, got it?"

Taehyung nodded in reply.

"Good." she gave a single nod in satisfaction. "Now, I know you're tired but we have to go back to the chair. If you like I can let you rest fo-"

"No." he cut her off. "It's okay. I can do it but can you help me a bit?"

Hearing those words made a big smile form on the nurse's lips. This was the first time he listened to her and asked for help.

"Of course."


After Taehyung had made it to his room and onto his bed the nurse came over with a small table, paper, and two pencils.

He hated this part. He couldn't find a comfortable way to hold the pencil. He couldn't make a straight line no matter how slow or fast he moved his hand and the words and syllables were hard to copy let alone readable when he did copy them.

An upset sigh left his mouth as the nurse set down the table.

"I know you don't like this part but you need it."

"I know," he replied a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Let's start off slow," she said as she grabbed the pencil. "Do you know what this says?" she pointed at words that she had written down beforehand.

Taehyung shook his head in reply. "It's like a blur. I can't read it." he rubbed his eyes hoping it would clear up. "The blur won't go away. I can't see the syllables."

"I wanna try a different method." she spoke. "let's do it this way. This word," she circled the one she had pointed to. "Means night." she drew a small moon and a few stars next to the word.

"This," she made a small box around a letter. "Is a consonant. Next to it is a vowel and below it is another consonant," she explained. "We're going to start with the one I boxed. I am going to draw it in pieces and you'll follow."

"Okay." he gave a nod and grabbed the other pencil. He didn't feel confident at all and the uncomfortable feeling of the pencil only made it worse.


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