Chapter 24

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Taehyung shot up and put his hand on his chest as small quick pants left his mouth. He looked around and gave a sigh of relief once he realised that he was still in the hospital room. Remembering the dream he had just woke up from, made him shiver and he rubbed his arms.

He had been having these kind of dreams a week after he woke up. He was tired of them and he just wanted them to stop. These dreams have been keeping him up every night which resulted in him to sleep a few times during the day.

Surprisingly this dream was the first one to not finish. He didn't understand why but he was glad to say the least.


The said boy jumped. He had completely forgot that he had ask Jeongguk to lay with him or that Jeongguk was even there.

"I'm sorry." he said as he wiped the tears that had rolled down his cheeks. "I just had a bad dream." he told the other. He was trying to hide how upset he was feeling but failed. His tears wouldn't stop. They kept falling and he just kept wiping them away. A lump grew in his throat and tightened from trying to not cry.

Jeongguk saw that he was upset. Hengave a sad sigh as he pulled Taehyung over to him. Letting the boy quietly cry onto his shoulder.


Taehyung had stopped crying for some time now but they didn't speak for a small bit. They just sat enjoying each other's presence.

Jeongguk had one leg propped up as his arm laid against his knee and lightly wrapped around Taehyung, who laid his head on his shoulder as he leaned against his chest with his legs bent up over Jeongguk's other leg and one of his arms loosely draped around Jeongguk's back as his hand gripped the bottom of his shirt.


The said male hummed in reply.

"Why did you talk to me that day?"

"What do you mean why?"

"I mean, no one else wanted to be near me or talk to me or even look at me. Why did you? Why didn't you stay away from me like them?"

"Well, I didn't like how people were treating you." he spoke honestly. "It was wrong what they were doing. No one should be treated so harshly."

"But everyo-"

"I know but just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean I have to." he spoke. "If they don't like what I'm doing then that's to bad for them cause I'm not going to stop for them. I'm me and I'll do what I think is right and they can't change that."

A small smile formed on Taehyung's lips. He was so glad to have met Jeongguk. To have been introduced to the others. He loved being with them. Especially when they were all together.

"I'm glad you didn't leave me alone. Even when I tried pushing you away."

A smile also formed on Jeongguk's lips. "I would never leave you alone."


"Jeongguk." a female voice called.

The male turned and saw his mom enter the room. "Is it time to go?"

She gave a nod in reply. "It is."

"Okay." he turned back to the boy who seemed to have started to doze off as he snuggled the stuff bunny toy. "Tae."

Taehyung rubbed his eyes as he turned his attention to the other.

"I have to get going now. I'll see you late, okay?"

"Okay." he nodded and gave a sleepy smile.

The two exited the males room and began to head down the hallway.

"I have some good news for you." Jeongguk's mom spoke with a big smile on her face.

Jeongguk gave a small hum tell her to continue.


The nurse gave Taehyung a four legged cane to practice leaning on when walking around. He was only a week away from being let out and he couldn't wait.

"You'll need this when you walk around." The nurse told him. "But it'll only be for a small while. Just until you can go on your own."

"How long will that be?"

"That depends on you." she told him.

Taehyung cocked his head a small bit and furrowed his brows in confusion. "I don't understand."

"I'll explain later. But for now let's get you used to using the cane." she helped Taehyung stand up. "We're going to practice in your room before taking you to the hallway."

"Okay." he nodded.


Who knew walking with cane could be so hard. The palm of his hand hurt from leaning onto it to much.

"My hand hurts." he told her as he rubbed the palm of his hand trying to relieve the pain. "I don't like the cane." he said with a pout present on his lips.

The nurse gave a small laugh. "I know but you're going to need to use it when you leave."

Taehyung gave a sad sigh. "I wish I didn't have to use it."

"Don't worry." she told him as she patted his back. "The pain will go away soon.Once you get use to using it. It'll be easier and your hand won't hurt." she explained in hope to bring the males mood up.

"How long do I have to use it, again?"

"There is no specific amount of time. Like I said. It depends on you."

"So If I try hard enough will the time I have it shorten?" he asked. He hated the cane with all his heart.

"Yes but you would have to work hard everyday."

If that's what he has to do to get rid of the came then that's what he's going to do. He mad the decision to work hard to not have to use it for so long.

"Okay." he nodded. "Then I'm going to work extra hard." he said with determination.

A big smile formed on the nurse's lips. "That's the spirit." she ruffled his hair. "Now let's continue with the other things we have to do."


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